Wednesday, August 11, 2010

6 Ways To Get Over Those Voice Over Practice Walls

6 Ways To Get Over Those
Voice Over Practice Walls

We all find reasons to procrastinate. And practice is very easy to put off.

Here are six practical ways to get over the stumbling blocks that may keep you from practicing every day.

1. "I can't find a quiet place to practice."

Who cares!

For practice, background noise is okay. (It's just not okay for auditions and real jobs.

So if it's too loud where you live:

* practice in a room at a local community center,
* ask your health club if you can use their sales office,
* work in a classroom after school has let out . . .
* even practice VO in the shower instead of singing!

At Edge Studio, people have told us they practice in their car or minivan (quiet, sound absorbent, comfortable). Some in their closets.

One guy even told us, "I stand in my bedroom and speak into my wife's pants, as that prevents echo."

Does practicing with others around make you feel self-conscious? It shouldn't.

You're a professional, doing what a professional does. Others respect that, even if they don't fully understand.

And if you're still self-conscious, consider the guy with the pants.

2. "I'm new at this and not sure how or what to practice."

Practice at least 15 minutes a day, every day, reading not just the kind of VO material you specialize in, but also other copy to prevent monotony and help break you out of bad habits.

Even read your junk mail - there's a steady supply, it's a daily cue, and if you can make it sound real, you're doing well.

Very important: record yourself and listen back with a critical ear.

For practice, almost any mic and recorder will do. But if your recorder's not handy, get your daily practice in anyway.

3. "I'm not a beginner anymore. I don't need to practice."

Granted, Mel Torme and Elvis didn't sing in the shower or hum to pass the time (so it's said). But they sang virtually every day, no doubt.

A-Rod didn't hit all those homers without ongoing practice, either.

You, too, should perform every day.

Obviously, an actual gig is not the time to warm up, flex your pipes, and spot ruts and bad habits you may have developed.

Every pro, no matter how experienced, benefits by keeping in shape and improving or broadening their capabilities. Regardless of your experience level, you need to practice.

4. "I don't have time to practice."

Oh? How do you find time to perform?

Make practice time a routine part of your business day, because that's what your VO career is - a business.

Time of day doesn't matter, but you might take a cue from novelists and other creative writers. Many of them get up relatively early and write for an hour before the day "really" begins.

Or they write from 9 till noon then call it a day.

The good news is, your practice doesn't need to require three hours, nor even one hour. Even a few minutes a day can have a dramatic effect if you're consistent.

5. "I'm just not the consistent, regimented type."

That's not unusual. Okay, practice when you can. But don't put it off.

Here's a trick: you undoubtedly have several "what should I do next" moments in your day. Make VO practice your standard answer.

Then, just do it.

Finding some sort of "trigger" is the way to overcome procrastination, lethargy, or laziness. Like physical exercise, once you get in the good habit of practicing daily, you'll find it much, much easier to remember it and do it. And you'll enjoy it more.

6. "Sorry, there always seems something more interesting or more important to do."

Ain't it the truth. It might be a day job, kids, unforeseen circumstances, anything.

But it's either a daily occurrence that you can schedule around, or a temporary situation you will come back from.

If fitting practice into your schedule is still difficult, make a list. Write your schedule down.

Think of yourself as a business. Running a business involves certain responsibilities, not all of them fun.

The good news? Voice over practice is a LOT more fun than many of the professional responsibilities most other people have! And if you ever doubt its importance, listen to some of your old practice recordings.

I guarantee, if you've applied yourself in regular daily practice, you'll sound better today.

Have you found a practice technique that might help others? Let us know!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

12 Top Voice Over Skills

12 Top Voice Over Skills

What can you do to improve your voice over performances?

Voice over instructor and performer Marc Cashman identifies and describes 12 voice over skill sets that will help you to refine your current skills and develop new ones!

From clarity to consistency to cold reading and more, you'll find new ways that you can leverage your talent and make it shine brightly for all to hear.

Learn more about what successful voice over artists master and the skills that matter in today's VOX Daily.
A Dozen VO Skill Sets

Submitted by Marc Cashman

If a buck dropped out of the sky every time someone asked me what it takes to make it in the world of voiceover, I could retire! So now, finally, I'm going to sum up a dozen top skills that are fundamental to a successful career in voice acting. And amazingly, they all start with the letter "C"!
1) Clarity

A voice actor's articulation has got to be impeccable. Each word needs to be distinctly understood, not swallowed, mumbled or garbled. An actor needs to make sure that they're balancing their enunciation between over-articulation and under-articulation. We don't want to over- enunciate, or we won't sound conversational--we'll sound like pompous asses. We certainly don't want to under-enunciate, or we'll sound stupid or lazy or both. We always need to perform in the "Goldilocks" area of vocal clarity. Employers are always listening for narrators who can speak clearly, without overdoing it or underdoing it. It has to be just right.
2) Cleanliness

This only partly means you have to shower before a session. Cleanliness refers to mouth noise, and if you have a lot of it, you may have a difficult time getting work in voiceover. Some people are blessed with minimal mouth noise--they've just inherited a genetic gift that makes saliva a non-issue. But most narrators have some level of mouth noise: those glottal stops, clicks and smacking sounds -- that they mitigate a number of ways: hydrating (otherwise known as drinking a lot of water); using throat sprays, mouthwashes or herbal teas; munching tiny pieces of green apple (in between narration excerpts), chewing gum or sucking on a lozenge. The less time an editor needs to clean up your V-O tracks, the more chance you'll be called back to do another session. Soon.
3) Consistency

In voiceover, consistency is a highly valued skill. If you're consistent in your volume, energy, pacing, articulation, characterization and your eye-brain-mouth coordination, you'll be every director's dream, because you'll be a voice actor they can rely on to deliver what they want every time.
4) Connected

Being connected to what you're reading is vital to your performance and the believability of your interpretation. A professional narrator always sounds like they're intrinsically interested in what they're talking about, regardless of whether they are. I always pose the question: if you're not enthusiastic about what you're talking about, why should the listener be interested in what you have to say? Being connected also means literally being physically connected to the page, with your eyes scanning ahead to make sure you're moving through the copy or text without tripping or stumbling. Voice actors use a numbers of different techniques to stay connected: using their hands to make points or gestures; inflecting when and where appropriate; making facial expressions to convey emotion and using their body to physically interpret action into their voice.
5) Conversational

Being conversational in voiceover isn't as easy as it sounds. It takes an innate ability to lift words off the page effortlessly, as if you're speaking extemporaneously (because you're an expert, right?). It means reading (and speaking) at conversational speed--the typical pace that we speak in everyday conversations. This skill is the result of not over- or under-articulating, and is key to engaging the listener and maintaining their attention.
6) Cold Reading

This skill is a must-have for long-form narration, particularly in the areas of e-Learning modules, instructional CD-Rom narration, and non-fiction audiobooks. If you're a busy voice actor, you don't have time to pre-read dozens or hundreds of pages of text before you take on a project. The ability to cold read text will save you a lot of time in the studio, not to mention a lot of editing time. The ability to scan ahead, to make sense of run-on sentences, and to navigate incorrect punctuation is a skill that comes in very handy. Solid cold reading is the manifestation of excellent eye-brain-mouth coordination, and can be strengthened every day by constant practice. Reading aloud (to your kids, significant other, parent, dog, cat, bird or bunny) will help you become a great cold reader.
7) Chop Chop

Okay, this was my lame "C" phrase for being quick (I could have written "Cwick", but that would've been much lamer). Speaking fast is, in many situations, as essential skill in V-O. It becomes readily apparent in a commercial, where sometimes you're supposed to squeeze 40- seconds of copy into a 30-second time frame (I call this "shoe-horning"). The ability to get through copy rapidly, but not at the expense of clarity, is a crucial skill that, if you haven't mastered, you need to develop.
8) Coordination

I referred to this under consistency and cold reading, and this is the mental muscle memory that develops when your eyes take in the words on the page, make the connections in your brain and come out of your mouth. I call it "eye-brain-mouth coordination," and it's a skill that voice actors develop after voicing thousands of pages of copy or text over a number of years. Some people are better at it than others, sometimes reading thousands of words in multiple pages of copy before making a mistake. Developing strong E-B-M coordination is possible by cold reading copy every day. It's like a musician who practices their scales every day-- they strengthen their muscle memory; or it's like going to the gym every day to build up your muscles and your stamina. Great E-B-M coordination is the hallmark of a professional voice actor.
9) Characterization

Any kind of voice acting that requires characterization requires acting, and actors understand what goes into giving a solid performance. Many of the skills I mentioned--consistency, conversationality, being connected--in addition to the acting skills of believability, authenticity, emotionality and interpretation--are immensely important in telling a compelling story. The ability to perform solid characters is another arrow in your quiver of voice acting skills.
10) Convincing

I've heard it said, "Always sound like you know what you're talking about, even if you don't." This could be the mantra for narration. No matter what subject you're talking about, the ability to sound convincing encompasses skills of coherent explanation, a measured, neutral (or sometimes friendly) tone, an appropriate amount of conversationality and energy, and an authoritativeness that's believable and approachable. The most convincing narrators are those who, in Penny Abshire's term, "tell, don't sell."
11) Control

Successful voice actors are always in control--of their voice, that is. They can control their pitch, their volume and their breath. They control their pitch by understanding intonation--realizing that there are many musical applications to the spoken word. They control their volume by understanding that volume, for the most part, has to be consistent--it's their intensity that varies throughout a read. And they maintain excellent breath control by constantly replenishing the amount of air they need in order to get through words and phrases competently. And they put all of these skills to use when they need to do any pickup phrases or insertions, so they can match what they've recorded before.
12) Confidence

The best thing you can bring to any V-O session is confidence--true confidence, not a false sense of bravado. Confidence comes from being prepared; understanding the subject, and anticipating the dynamics of the studio session between the actor, director and engineer (and many times, the presence of the client, either in person or on the phone); You can hear confidence in an actor's voice--in their phrasing, presence, and overall performance. Confidence gives you stamina and believability, and makes it easier to work with a director, who may sometimes be giving you a lot of conflicting direction. Confidence also gives you patience, which can really come in handy in many a recording session. I can add three additional "C's" under the heading of confidence: being calm, cool and collected.

There are so many more skills that we bring to a session that makes for a successful performance, and so many more attributes that you need to make it in the world of voiceover. But if we can infuse these skills into every V-O session, then you'll be well on your way to a satisfying and lucrative career. And fun!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Comic books a great tool for character actor scripts!

Comic books a great tool for character actor scripts!

When I was a kid, I loved book-and-records; especially those Power Records releases that included a comic book, with a fully produced drama. Music, sound effects, and voice actors told the stories of Spiderman, Superman, and other childhood heroes.

My favorite of these was an adaptation of Planet of the Apes. I had the whole thing memorized.

My dad loves to tell the story of our long car rides and how I would keep myself entertained in the back-seat by re-enacting the entire Planet of the Apes script-sound effects and all! This was pre-in car DVD, pre-iPod. We kids had to have a little more ingenuity in those days! Looking back, this was my first experience as a voice-actor.

I still enjoy reading comic books, and it was brought to my attention by one of my coaches, Bob Bergen, that comics are a great source of scripts for voice-actors to practice developing characters with. Everything you need is right there on the multi-panel, 4 color page: Heroes! Villains! Action! Drama! Plenty of dialogue, and lots of illustrations to show you what the characters look like, and how they’re behaving.

In fact, when I’m voicing Hammy from Over the Hedge-or Dilbert and his Boss-I’m reading my lines directly from the comic-strips. What’s the point in transcribing a script when you’ve got these beautiful, informative storyboards to work from?

If you want to give it a try, but you don’t know where to begin, I’ve taken the liberty of including some FREE comic book resources in this article. How cool is that? You don’t even have to leave the house or buy anything to get started!

Fans of daily newspaper comic-strips can find plenty of favorites here:

A couple of years ago DC comics published a weekly series starring just about everybody in their fictional universe, but especially the lesser known ‘fringe’ characters. It was called “52” and you can sample pages of that epic storyline here:

Not into capes? How about the gentle humor of Archie Andrews and the gang from Riverdale High School? Archie Digital is a paid subscription site, but they offer a few free preview issues.

Fancy yourself a Vampire Slayer? Check out free issues of Buffy.

Vertigo is an adult comic book…er, sorry…”graphic novel” brand. Great stuff! But definitely not appropriate for all audiences. A few free pages of several titles can be downloaded as .pdf’s here: Again, not kid stuff!

You can find many more resources by Googling ‘free comic book pdf.’

Practice accents with the characters. Age them. Play them over-the-top! Play them real. And if you are a producer as well, record the dialogue and add music and sound effects. Maybe you'll create something you can use on your demo! I'm no lawyer (check with one if you're concerned), but I believe using the material in this way is okay. You’re not selling anything (but your talent); and it’s purely for demonstration purposes. That said, I would change the names of familiar characters because people already know what characters like Batman and the Joker sound like, and if you don’t nail it-you could lose out on a similar gig. Best to use these magazines to create your own unique heroes and villains.

Have fun!

What Makes A Great Voiceover Talent - Not Just A Great Voice

What Makes A Great Voiceover Talent - Not Just A Great Voice
"Saying a great voice talent need only a great voice is like saying a great batter need only a great bat".

I've often heard it said that to be a great voiceover artist, one needs only a terrific voice. While having a great voice is certainly important, taken in isolation it is completely meaningless. Saying a great voiceover artist needs only a great voice is like saying a great batter need only a great bat. Of course it takes far more than a great bat to knock balls out of the park. It takes awesome power, timing, control, breathing, and eye-hand coordination among other attributes. Voiceover is not much different. First and foremost, according to Los Angeles-based voice coach Rodney Saulsberry, it takes a great ability to intrepret copy along with excellent ear-voice coordination - an ability to listen to direction from outside the booth and then make changes, often subtle, in inflection, pauses, speed, microphone orientation, stance, and more. A great voiceover talent has a great voice but also can nail just the right interpretation of the copy to satisfy the client. A great voice talent becomes a "human mixing station" in the studio, according to Nancy Wolfson, a Los Angeles-based voice coach and former Playboy casting director. Someone who can belt out the most melifluously-pleasing words is of no value if he cannot take direction and quickly respond with desired stylistic adjustments. A great voiceover artist must be able to listen intently to those outside the booth for navigation and then set the vocal compass for the client's desired destination. Not to minimize the value of having a great voice. It's certainly a plus as voice acting goes, but a great voiceover artist must have a great ear for listening and the flexibility and range to adjust.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


The VoiceMaster  Pocholo Gonzales The VoiceMaster     "Discover the Art of Voice Acting and the secrets of professional voice artist and dubbers ... ...Use the talent you already possess to begin your Voice Over career in less time and save thousands of pesos. From the desk of The VoiceMaster March 3, 2010 Dear Aspiring Voice Artists,, My name is Pocholo "The VoiceMaster" Gonzales, and I've got ONE question to ask that could change your life forever... Are YOU constantly hearing commercials that you know YOU could have voiced better? Commercials that would sound better if YOUR voice was used on them? I'll bet you hear them every day -- but do nothing but complain. Too many of us just accept things the way they are because 'it was done by a professional voice over guy or gal.' Stop settling for something YOU know you can do better! If that's the way you feel... then you'll be very excited to hear about the incredible opportunity I'm about to share with you... I am living proof that the average person can overcome all the "odds" and become a successful VOICE OVER artist with the right training. I was right where you are... but I did something about it, and have been a successful Voice Over artist for almost fifteen years. I'm proud of my accomplishments -- but I'm not telling you this to brag.   I'm telling you this because one of the most dangerous things you can do if you want to become a VOICE OVER artist is to put your faith in someone who has a decent voice and good intentions... ... but has NO REAL CLUE about the TRUE insider techniques that make VOICE OVER artist like me SUCCESSFUL and IN-DEMAND. Unlike other so-called "gurus" who actually know next to nothing about training VOICE OVER talent... ... I've been doing voice over training for more than 10 years... and I can train you! Pocholo Gonzales is a true professional! "It’s really a very good day today here at the UP Film Institute. The previous speaker was so good. Everyone was amazed of his voice acting. The speaker also made a lot of radio and TV commercials wherein he is the dubbing. He’s working in Creative Voices Productioins. He’s Pocholo Gonzales. There was a volunteer from Lyceum who tried out voice acting and I must say— Ang galling niya!" Alvin Marcelo - Y4IT UP Diliman 2008   Ever since radio stations began running commercials, people have been complaining about them. They are too long, there are too many of them. But what I hear the most is... people saying that they could have done a better job voicing the commercial. They say the person voicing it sounds crummy or squeaky or is putting the inflection on the wrong word or phrase. That it should have been 'this' or it should have been 'that'. But, they never do anything about it... except complain!  Their friends tell them they have a good voice -- that they should be doing commercials. That's a great idea... but how do you get into the industry? It use to be quite time consuming and expensive. You need a commercial audition reel. For that, you need some commercial copy (what the voice over person is reading) and access to a recording studio. Getting your hands on some commercial copy can be a bit of work -- but usually inexpensive or even free. Studio time is a whole different story -- it can run to several thousand of pesos per hour. And, if you are just starting out, it may take quite a few hours to get an fully produced commercial audition reel. Along with commercials, there are many other things that need voicing -- corporate and industrial presentations, narrations, audio for websites -- just to mention a few. As long as there are products to voice -- there will be a need for good, skilled voice over artists. So, where do they come from? Who trains them? How do they acquire that skills necessary to get hired for voice over work? That's where our voice acting and dubbing training comes in...   I used to be in the exact same place you are right now. I was the biggest complainer of all -- and always talking about how I could do a better job voicing the commercial than 'the guy on the radio'. My friends told me that I had a pretty good voice and should think voicing commercials. So I did! Now, I'm a successful voice over artist with literally thousands of radio and television commercials to my credit. I have also done animation voices, character voices, corporate and industrial voice overs, narrations and audio for websites. But it wasn't easy and took a long time because there weren't many people who were offering any voice acting training. I was lucky to be working at ABS CBN Channel 2 as a dubber and DZMM and DZRH where I could access radio drama and radio ads and spend time in the recording booth. I put together a very crude commercial audition reel and took it to the few recording studios I could find in the local phone book. I did a number of commercial 'sessions' for free, just to get the experience and a better audition reel. I wondered if I was ever going to be a 'real' voice over artist or just a wanna-be. I'll never forget my first paying session. It was an Coke Commercial where I did the voice of a kid. It's only one line. It wasn't as glamorous as I had expected -- but the cheque cleared at the bank... and that was all that mattered. I was on my way... as a professional voice over artist. "With the right voice acting training, almost anyone can become a voice over artist... ...with virtually NO upfront investment!"   I wish that during my early years, I had known the tips & techniques that are available to you today. Instead, I had to learn these techniques through costly "trial and error", often wasting countless hours on something that turned out be of no value or cost me a lucrative voice session. But YOU don't have to make any of those mistakes -- you get the benefit of our experience! Imagine standing at a microphone in your own home studio doing a voice over for someone who came to you for your services! How cool is that? So, why am I doing this? I'm SICK of seeing good, honest people being taken advantage of by so-called "special" techniques that aren't really special at all. My voice over training has been proven successful over 15-years. My voice over training offers so much more than just learning to read with a professional sounding voice. You will also learn... to interprete the copy.effective pacing and pausing. proper inflection.enunciation and articulation.reading faster but still legible.vocal and facial exercises to keep your muscles limber.tricks to get those facial muscles to work when they don't want to.and, various microphone techniques that will dramatically change the way you sound. Plus... Script Writing/Translating/Re-writingVoice-Acting, Voice Directing and DubbingActual Dubbing and Radio Ad Recording SessionABS CBN Dubbing Studio Tour (by invitation of Instructors)Anime Conventions HostingReal Radio BroadcastingRadio Drama My mentors and directors also joined me and we have incorporated all 80- years of experience into this training program that can turn you into a successful voice artist or make you a better one. JOIN THE BEST AND ONLY VOICE ACTING SCHOOL IN THE PHILIPPINES! Its the most comprehensive works hop on Voice Acting and Dubbing for Telenovelas and Anime! Starting this July 3, 2010 you can be part of an 8-week long seminar that will do wonders for the way you speak and perform. If you've always wanted to become a voice artist for radio and tv commer cial, dubber for telenovelas and anime, or improve how people listen to you speak, then this is the way to go! VoiceWorx! now on its twelfth run, brings you the force of voice acting within reach. Learn the art of voice acting and voice overs in a fun environment, guaranteed to bring out the creative juices within you. See how do it.. This 2 month Voice Acting course guarantees to perk up that personality in your voice! Listen to what people are saying! "I have never found anything close to what CreatiVoices has offered, thanks to VoiceWorx! I feel more confident in speaking up and performing behind the microphone.." - Jeff Marty Dimaano, 1st batch VoiceWorx!, now also a regular du bber and President of SYVAP "This has definitely opened up new ideas on what I can do with my voices!.." - Gabrielle Tiongson, barely 18 years old when she took the seminar, now a regular voice talent at ABS-CBN. "I'm proud of what I have accomplished with my voice, and with the help of CreatiVoices.." - Jo Carol Fernandez, 1st place winner of H3 Dubbing Compe tition and now lead role dubber: "NANA" in the animated series "BOKURA GA ITA" "I landed the job of Official Voiceover at Manny Pacquiao's Show, Pinoy Records!.." - Heinie Hartendorp, former Radio jock, turned professional voice actor. "Thanks to you guys, I'm one of the cast of the English dubbed Version of Maging Sino Ka Man.." - Pia Serrapio , doing several voice gigs since she last attended VoiceWorx! "Definitely more than what you bargained for.. much, much more..!" - _user_stilissimmo [at] yahoo [dot] com">Zaphael N. Berenguer, doing live VO gigs, Telenovela translations and actual dubbing sessions. Here are some of VoiceWorx Graduates that has done Voice Over Works from different companies. Earl Leonard Sebastian - Radio Drama Script Writer - DZRH Christina Campana - Voice Talent for a Kenyan Animation/Actress Knowledge Channel Carlo Patrick DelMar Torres - ToyCon Voice Acting Competition Champion 2009 - Event Host/Model Alvin Balce - Event Host/Anime Events Karen Desu - Japanese Translator - ABS CBN/ HERO TV Nelieza Magauay - Dubber/Writer - ABS-CBN/HERO TV Anna Marie Lim-Chan - Voice Talent/Radio Ad - Sound Design Margaret Kaitlin S. McRae - Dubber/Host - ABS-CBN/HERO TV Peluchi Pascual - Voice Talent/Animations - CreatiVoices Binoy Sadia - Producer/Voice Over - 700 Club Asia Daniw De Leon - Film Producer/Host/VO - Tempest Films Dulce Amor Nieva Fortunado - Voice Talent - CreatiVoices Glenn Ong - Host/Live Events Voice Over Alissa Mendoza - TV Host/Teacher - VOTY TV Ray Pacursa- Translator/Writer - ABS-CBN/TV 5/GMA 7 Frances Mendoza - Japanese Translator/TV Host - VOTY TV Zsaris Mendioro - Dubber - ABS-CBN/HERO TV Onick Valero - Model Mars Mercado - Storyteller/Teacher Daniel Castillo - Dubber - ABS-CBN/HERO TV Emmanuel Ramos - Voice Over/Movie Voice Over/Dubber Gutch Gutierrez - Professional Voice Talent - Hit Productions/Sound Design Jen Metra - Live Host Rean Delos Reyes - Writer/Translator/Dubber - ABS-CBN/HERO TV/GMA 7 Barbarra Lee - Host Carla Mejia - Writer/Voice Artist/Dubber - ABS-CBN/HERO TV/GMA 7/CreatiVoices Victoria Puyat - Event Host Mark Aragona - Professional Voice Talent - Sound Design Albert Alicer - Radio Disc Jockey/DJ/ Live Host Byron Barinuevo - Head Writer/Translator/Dubber/TV Host/TV Director- ABS-CBN/GMA/CreatiVoices Patricia Sy - Dubber/TV Host/Cosplayer/Events Host/Model - MMDA on the Road/ABS-CBN/HERO TV Reymond Alagar - Rapper Dodie Gregorio - Assistant Dubbing Director Zap Berenguer - Live Voice Over/Film Director - Tempest Films Isaac Bulatao - Live Voice Performer/Host/Voice Over/Radio Announcer/Radio Drama Angel Gonzales - Radio DJ/Live Host/Voice Over Talent/Professional Radio Ad Talent/Podcaster - Mellow 94.7/CreatiVoices Samuel Duque - Call Center Representative/TV Host - VOTY TV Jill Fernandez - Dubber -ABS-CBN/HERO TV/GMA 7 Aileen Hildawa - Dubber - HERO TV Alina Co - Voice Over Artist/Segment Producer - CreatiVoices/Knowledge Channel Ashtoreth Marciano - Live Host EDdieson Jaluag - Dubber/Live Host/Editor - HERO TV/SOLAR TV Marian Carpo - Dubber/Live Host/Actress - HERO TV/Tempest Films Princess Poe - Dubber/Writer - ABS-CBN/HERO TV Jay Garcia - Radio Broadcaster/Live Voice Over/Sound Engineer/Speaker- DZSR/CreatiVoices Andrew Nacino - Broadcaster/Live Host - DZME/CreatiVoices Joseph Paulo Claravall - Voice Artist/Live Host/Voice Over/Improv Master - CreatiVoices Sean Melendres - Dubber/Live Host - ABS-CBN/CreatiVoices Edelita Ong - Professional Voice Artist/Live Host - Hit Productions/Sound Design/CreatiVoices Emil Miras - Vocalist - Blue Ketsup GOOD NEWS! The good news is you can now pay bank to bank. Please make the reservation fee or downpayment to the following account: Acct Name : CreatiVoices Productions Bank : Bank of the Philippine Islands ( BPI) Branch : Buendia-Dian Acct. No. : 3716-8607-58 After which kindly fax us a bank statement with your contact details (name,address, mobile, email) at 239-6468 depositing the said amount. Also please indicate your choice of class schedule, R1 or R2. You can also email us a copy of the scanned statement at If you wish to pay in full or may a downpayment of 50% this is also possible. Reminder: You should pay the whole tuition fee 1 week before the first session to secure your slot because their are waiting lists. The decision is yours... you are either serious about becoming a voice over artist or you are not. It's as simple as that. "HURRY UP, BEFORE SEATS RUN OUT!" To register offline, simply drop by at the studio at the 3rd floor Left Wing Lightblue Bldg. 1745 Dian St. Palanan Makati City. For directions on how to get there you can check our online map here. Creativoices Studios If the link doesn't work, copy this to your browser: There is a google map of CreatiVoices studios at the page link above, so you can easily find the exact location of the seminar area. For directions on how to get to our workshop you may call: (632) 239.6468 or 970.0971 (from 9am - 6pm, Mon-Fridays only) Visit our website at and Everyone Can in 2010! $.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$. More information!!! $.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$. What is a Voice-Over? " A voice over is any recording or performance by one or more unseen voices for the purpose of communicating a message" – James Alburger. Any message you hear without seeing the performer is considered to be voice-over. This means voice-over is all around us! Whether you are listening to the radio, watching movies or television, dining at your fast food restaurant or riding the rail transit, voice-overs can be heard! Is doing Voice-overs hard? Voice-overs can actually be done by anyone! And it's a very rewarding job indeed. A lot of Voice Talents are being paid to play and many professional voice-overs get their kick out of the industry just by enjoying what they do. Anybody can do a voice-over, but not everybody can do voice acting. So what is Voice Acting? Voice acting is an art. And like all other art forms it has tools and techniques which must be mastered in order for you to succeed in the level of success you want to deserve. Its about finding the kid in you. It requires dedication and passion for doing Voice-over jobs, and lots of patience to master the skills. True, not everyone can do voice acting, but anybody can benefit from learning how it works. In fact, many of the students in Creativoices Clinic don't pursue voice-over jobs, but need the voice acting skills to further themselves in their chosen field. How do I benefit from Voice Acting lessons? If you want to break into the world of voice-overs, then voice acting is a must for you. By knowing how to express yourself properly, you can create real and believable characters for commercials, narrations, radio drama and most especially animation. With voice acting you can liven up a conversation and get the attention you want, whether its on a business or a personal level. If you or your job requires you to: 1. Communicate with other people on the same or higher business level. 2. Prepare Scripts, Write-ups or Citations for Productions 3. Talk to customers or clients and close business deals fast and efficient. 4. Constantly talk to other people and associates by way of declamation, speech or impromptu performance. 5. Or maybe you love to sing, host or perform for an audience. 6. Express yourself in a creative and entertaining manner. Who can do Voice-Acting? Anyone who needs to talk can communicate better when he/she uses voice acting techniques. Which means that even salespersons, promodizers, carpenters, engineers, attorneys, teachers, draftsmen, doctors, nurses, utility personnel, front desk officers, etc.. can learn voice acting, and benefit from expressing or communicating properly and creatively, with their peers. What about Creativoices Clinic? Creativoices Clinic is one of the departments of Creativoices Productions – the premier voice over solutions provider in the country. And it is now offering the Creative Voice Acting Workshop, the only one of its kind in the Philippines today. There are many voice acting schools abroad and many Voice talents offering "experience" based teaching, but none offers a detailed and thorough application and training by book and modules like Creativoices Clinic. What do I expect from the training? In Creative Voice Acting Workshop, you'll get: 1. Personalized, one on one voice coaching and training throughout the workshop - from real and credible Voice Acting Professionals 2. Information you need to know to become a successful voice actor and communicator. 3. Create real and believable characters from within you and learn how to bring them back when needed. 4. Training materials and assignments to keep you at pace with the workshop and rapidly develop your voice acting skills. 5. Professional Critiques to hear and identify your voice qualities and problems. 6. Knowledge on how to self-market and promote your talent, professionally. How does it work? The workshop lasts for about 2-3 intensive hours each session, once a week. There are 3 training modules divided into 8 sessions and categories: Session 1: The Voice That Works Session 2: Starting Over – What it takes to be a voice talent Session 3: Accents, Dictions, Variety, Articulation and Movement. How to Create Voices. Session 4: Translation and Effective Dubbing delivery Session 5: Creating interesting and unique character voices for Dubbing Session 6: Actors acting. Working with Dubbing dialogues and multi-voice copies. Session 7: Fine tuning your performance, Dubbing Sessions and VO Best Kept Secrets Session 8: One-on-One Mock Auditions with Critique board and Q & A forum How do I Join? Sign-up now by clicking on the link below: REGISTER NOW! You can also drop by at our office and pay in partial or full. The P1000 reservation fee will be deducted from your Seminar fee of P8000.00.  Plus ABS-CBN Dubbing Studio Tours (by invitation of Instructor Only) and 2 additional DAYS! How much does it cost? For the whole program the total cost is Php 8,000 only. You should pay the whole tuition fee 1 week before the progam, these includes fees for the instructor, venue and training materials. A one time, non-refundable reservation fee of Php 1000.00 will guarantee your seat. Students may also take advantage of the referral program. What is the referral program? For a limited time only, students can now avail of this special program. Please review the terms and conditions carefully. 1. Applicants must be 18 years old and above and residing in the Philippines. 2. Application forms for the referral program must be fully completed. 3. Only Workshop students may apply for the referral program. 4. Applicants will get Php 1,000 per successful referral. 5. Incentives may be in form of cash or deferred through the candidate's course. Which means if you get 8 successful referrals, you study the whole program for FREE. 6. Incentives can only be claimed if the referrals has paid in full. 7. There are no limits to referrals, and students may still avail of the program even after the course. 8. Creativoices Productions reserves the right to terminate or revoke any referral program at any given time. Schedule of Training and Workshop Start of Classes will be on July 3, 2010 (Saturday) and every Saturday thereof: 1st class – 10:00 am to 12:00 noon 2nd class – 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm If you have already registered/reserved your seat, then congratulations! This is your first step to that much awaited success in voice acting! We'll see you in our studio soon! MAY THE VOICE BE WITH YOU.   VOICEWORX! Instructors NEIL ERICSON “Papa” TOLENTINO After more than a decade of professional work in the voice-acting and dubbing industry, it would be an understatement to say that Mr. Neil Ericson M. Tolentino has done it all. As a dubbing supervisor and director, Mr. Tolentino, or Papa Neil as fondly called by his peers, is behind some of the most popular Asianovelas like Lovers in Paris , Princess Lulu and Stained Glass. But even before the phenomenal success of the Korean Wave, Neil has also had a hand in directing Mexican soaps like Dos Amores, Gata Salvaje and animated series such as Streetfighter. Prior to being a dubbing – supervisor, writer and translator for TV shows, Neil already directed several plays and performed as a stage-actor himself. Such experience made him versatile enough to appear in several TV series as a character “ actor for Marina and become an acting coach and script consultant for "Sana Ikaw na Nga" among other major productions. Even if he already is a full-fledged director, Neil continues to provide the voice for several anime characters for HERO TV, TV and Radio commercials. And to give back to the society, Neil also continuously shares his talents as a teacher and facilitator for scriptwriting and voice – acting workshops including Creativoices productions "VoiceWorx" inspiring the next generation to break new grounds in the voice – acting industry. ____________________________________________________________ DANILO “Ama” MANDIA Probably as a boy born in Boac Marinduque, even Mr. Danilo Ledesma Mandia, himself could've never imagined that he would later on become an institution, a pillar of the voice “ acting industry. Although, Mr. Mandia may not want to be branded as an "institusyon"¦ all the people he has worked with would certainly agree. Coming from a diverse educational background - an Economics major in Trinity College; Agriculture Courses in the USA and UP Los Banos; it seemed that Mr. Mandia'S heart is really into the Theater Arts, which he finished as a Masters degree at UP. It was indeed in the theater where he perfected his art as an actor, stage manager, artistic director and instructor since the late 70's until the 90's. Also, for a couple of years, he served as an instructor for De La Salle College of St. Benilde, Miriam College and Trinity College. Since 1991, Mr. Mandia has been working as a dubbing director and translator for the biggest Broadcasting Network in the country, ABS-CBN and since 2005, for Hero TV Channel. Some of the most memorable animated series he handled were Peter Pan, Dog of Flanders, Remi, Julio at Julia, Snowhite, RayEarth, BTX, Little Women 1 and 2, Zenki, Heidi, Digimon 1 and 2, Hana Yori Dango, Kim Possible, Voltes V celebrity edition, Akazukin Cha-cha. He also had a hand in other TV Series such as Bananas in Pajamas, Meteor Garden, Love Scar (Fantasy Fever), ABCDEF-4, and Girls Marching On among others. His decades of experience in the arts already gave him a keen eye, or rather an "ear" for potential voice talents and actors. He has discovered some of the most talented voice actors in the industry. He might as well be labeled as a "discoverer" of talents, yet to the people he has inspired, Mr. Mandia would be best described as a dedicated professional, a good friend and a true father. ____________________________________________________________ ALFREDO “Alexx” AGCAOILI Also Known as “The Supremo .” Alexx Agcaoili is a Filipino Voice Actor and ADR Director. Most of his VA and Directing work are Anime but he has also done work on some TeleNovelas which airs on certain TV stations in the Philippines, namely ABS-CBN and GMA. The very talented voice actor and Director for Filipino anime productions like, Fruits Basket, Rave Master, Mobile Suit Gundam, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Beast Machines, Supergals, Babel 1 and 2, Green Rose, and many more. Taking the role of Dr. Smith in the original Filipino Voltes V and Sanosuke Kagara in Samurai X (Rorouni Kenshin). His contribution to the workshop will be in direct supervision of the recording process and applications of voice acting. ____________________________________________________________ POCHOLO "VoiceMaster" GONZALESCEO/Managing Director/Voice Artist/Creative Voice Director Although still very young, 28 year-old Pocholo Gonzales is already considered a veteran in the art of voice acting for television, radio and even online. He started his professional career at age 16 and since then, has harnessed his talent to become one of the best and most experienced in the field of voice acting. The long list of his credentials includes providing the voice for over a thousand different animated shows, characters on Filipino-dubbed Koreanovelas and Tsinovelas, Movies, radio and television commercials and even computer games. He is also known as the "Father of Philippine Podcasting". He has won the Best Voice Actor title at the AdCongress 2003 in Baguio City through the radio commercial wherein he imitated the voice of Mike Enriquez. He also organizes shows, seminars and workshops on voice acting. At present, he owns and manages Creativoices Productions and also keeps himself busy with Society of Young Voice Artists of the Philippines-SYVAP, a group of voice actors and talents he organized. Aside from his voice acting credentials, he takes pride at being honored as a Youth Advocate in Washington D.C., New York, Sydney and Tokyo for being the founder of a youth organization, Voice of the Youth Network ( He finished BA Speech Communication and took his M.A. for Broadcast Communication in University of the Philippines. He also studied Voice Acting in California USA. He also hosts a radio program entitled Voice of the Youth Radio Version 6.0 at DZME 1530 kHz every Sunday, 10 - 11 AM. He believes that Voice Acting is an Art that needs to be heard, to be recognized and to be further developed. ____________________________________________________________ BRIAN MATHEW "Godpodder" LIGSAY COO/Marketing Director/Voice Artist/Creative Writer Godpodder With over 12 years of Professional Experience in Voice Over and Events Industry in the Philippines, Brian has everything you need in a Talent. Showcasing a wide variety of voices from Corporate/Expert voice, Coliseum barker types, Hard Sell, Drama, and Character or Animation. With a solid background in Broadcasting, Brian is also a Scriptwriter, Host and Director. Plus he’s a Voice Coach and Head Instructor at Univoicesal Productions. He makes the simplest copy and the smallest events into big time, show time! You've Never Heard Something This Big!.. --  Visit Wishing you every success, Pocholo "The VoiceMaster" Gonzales TESTIMONIALS   “It’s a different thing. It’s not just the voice… it is really acting” - Karen Anne Mata, Japanese Language Major “I learned how to develop my voice, how to preserve it from morning ‘till afternoon even if I’m speaking, and at the same time, how to change my voice without exerting too much effort. And also, I learned the proper way of delivering lines” - Rufino Albert Bernardo, a free lance architect “All the teachers that handled us were great. All the trainings and lectures they gave us were really enjoyable” - Anna Marie “Ann” Celeridad “I’ve learned a lot from this workshop especially the translations, audio dialogues, replacements and a lot more things when it comes to voice acting” - Jay Garcia “I joined the workshop because I wanted to learn different techniques about voice acting. It’s a very fun experience… there were a lot of exercises. And it really opened my eyes to the world of voice acting” - Katrina “Kat” Pama “I joined this workshop to further develop my God-given talent, and at the same time, share it with my co-workshoppers. I learned form my past lectures the real concept of dubbing… that it is not simply voice manipulation, but an art.” - Michael Juyad “I learned from Voiceworx the proper vocalization and that there are other ways on how to execute it… through the diaphragm, the lower register and the throat” - Olive Princess “Liv” Riego “There is no better way to hone my talents and skills in voice acting than learning from the experts whom the creativoices has in their workshop. It’s been a real enjoyable course and I’ve learned a lot especially from our three guest speakers Ama (Danny Mandia), Papa Neil (Neil Tolentino) and Supremo (Alex Agcaoili). We also felt the guidance brought by the Creativoices heads, Sir Choi and Sir Bryan whom made quite an effort to make sure Creativoices delivers what it was set out to do… And that is to equip and develop the voice artist industry” - Michael Robert “Mike” Reyes “I saw the Creativoices workshop on the internet when I searched for the word “dubbing Philippines” in What urged me to join the workshop is the curiosity on how the dubbers portray their characters” - Mariane “Mayan” Agena “Actually I was searching for a another outlet that is different from the normal job routines and since I’m a fan of anime, I decided to enroll at Voiceworx. I was really grateful when I was accepted here because they have the best dubberrs and established directors in their workshop. - Francis Francisco, member of the 6th batch of voiceworx trainees “It was indeed a fun experience. At the same time, I learned several pointers, techniques and tools that improved ourselves, not only as voice artists, but also as a person” - Maria Edora “Dory” Gregoria, housewife and a mother of five. “The mentors and teachers in this workshop were very accommodating and they really value time. Considering the amount we paid, it was a bargain based on the services we acquired because the staffs here are professionals” - Yvarr de la Cruz “I’ve learned a lot and gained more experiences. I never thought voice acting would be this fun!” - Kris Shiela Mingi “I learned the proper utilization of voices, the proper way to direct it and the proper way of translating” - Reymond Alagar “Voiceworx expanded my horizon by their concepts and practices. They gave me a glimpse regarding the field of voice acting. There were aspects of this matter which I was unaware of. But the most important lesson that I learned is that voice acting is an art” - Daniw “Yao” de Leon, software developer “I discovered new things every meetings” - John Paul Quilapo “The workshop helped me mold my personality. It may seem that you’re trapped inside you, but as the workshop continues, you’ll be surprised that you’re already out of the box” - Lea Marie “Aya” Balmes “Voiceworx gave me a great opportunity to boost my self-confidence and self-esteem” - Pablo Benjamin “Bong” Laureano “At first, I was focused only on dubbing but on the latter part, when I met Sir Neil Tolentino, he taught me the proper way of translating… I got interested in scriptwriting. Although dubbing is still a part of my interest, scriptwriting became my primary focus. I learned that translating is not just about expressing your words, but it should also be acceptable and ethical to your audience” - Juan Miguel Mesina “Dubbing is coming from your inner self. It is about drama, exaggeration and impersonation” - Neil “Papa Neil” Tolentino, dubbing instructor “I socialized with different kinds of people. There are those who have jobs, are married and some are students like me. The good thing about this is that, though we have our differences, we still share a common interest. They won’t be so confident to establish a workshop if they are not fully equipped with experience in their field” - Dwan Marciano “Join Voiceworx! You’ll never know where it will lead you” - Tisha Rosales “Our instructors were accommodating… they did help us a lot. We had fun, and at the same time, we learn in terms of this industry. We will miss this” - Gian delos Santos “I can say that after the workshops in Creativoices, you will have opportunity to go to major stations to dub and voice acts” - Alan Giosengfiao “The instructors were amiable and approachable. They were always open and available for questions” - Dar Santos “I learned how to take care of my voice, and also the right things to do in voice acting. I also learned how to relate with different people that has different backgrounds”   - Glen Ong “The instructors teaches very well and you will really learn from them” - Sean Melendres “I learned a lot… like translating and voice acting” - Andrew Nacino “Voiceworx will bring out the potential in you to be a very good voice actor” - Jonathan “Jao” Ortiz “I learned the true meaning of dubbing and I get to experience what’s really happening inside the dubbing room” - Ceff Montifar “This workshop is the best in business. It’s really fun in the class and the teachers are really great” - Victoria Puyat “At first, I was shy. But then, it was fun” - Gwen Llana “Very challenging. I love it” - Pamela “Pam” Miranda   “You will really learn a lot from the professionals” - Myra Pesquet   “I met the professionals in the dubbing industry” - Boots Montes “I learned how to play with my voice” - Nadine Mata   “It’s not just all about dubbing. It also developed my communication and writing skills” - Freya Pacis “It’s very educational… and I gained more friends” - Emil Miras “You won’t feel tired during the sessions” - Nina Lacson   What are you waiting for? CALL 239-6468 AND REGISTER NOW! Visit our office at: CREATIVE CENTER 1745 Dian St., Palanan, Makati City 1235 PHILIPPINES View Larger Map  Loading... © Copyright CreatiVoices 2010 The VoiceMaster try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-13223643-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}


The VoiceMaster  Pocholo Gonzales The VoiceMaster     "Discover the Art of Voice Acting and the secrets of professional voice artist and dubbers ... ...Use the talent you already possess to begin your Voice Over career in less time and save thousands of pesos. From the desk of The VoiceMaster March 3, 2010 Dear Aspiring Voice Artists,, My name is Pocholo "The VoiceMaster" Gonzales, and I've got ONE question to ask that could change your life forever... Are YOU constantly hearing commercials that you know YOU could have voiced better? Commercials that would sound better if YOUR voice was used on them? I'll bet you hear them every day -- but do nothing but complain. Too many of us just accept things the way they are because 'it was done by a professional voice over guy or gal.' Stop settling for something YOU know you can do better! If that's the way you feel... then you'll be very excited to hear about the incredible opportunity I'm about to share with you... I am living proof that the average person can overcome all the "odds" and become a successful VOICE OVER artist with the right training. I was right where you are... but I did something about it, and have been a successful Voice Over artist for almost fifteen years. I'm proud of my accomplishments -- but I'm not telling you this to brag.   I'm telling you this because one of the most dangerous things you can do if you want to become a VOICE OVER artist is to put your faith in someone who has a decent voice and good intentions... ... but has NO REAL CLUE about the TRUE insider techniques that make VOICE OVER artist like me SUCCESSFUL and IN-DEMAND. Unlike other so-called "gurus" who actually know next to nothing about training VOICE OVER talent... ... I've been doing voice over training for more than 10 years... and I can train you! Pocholo Gonzales is a true professional! "It’s really a very good day today here at the UP Film Institute. The previous speaker was so good. Everyone was amazed of his voice acting. The speaker also made a lot of radio and TV commercials wherein he is the dubbing. He’s working in Creative Voices Productioins. He’s Pocholo Gonzales. There was a volunteer from Lyceum who tried out voice acting and I must say— Ang galling niya!" Alvin Marcelo - Y4IT UP Diliman 2008   Ever since radio stations began running commercials, people have been complaining about them. They are too long, there are too many of them. But what I hear the most is... people saying that they could have done a better job voicing the commercial. They say the person voicing it sounds crummy or squeaky or is putting the inflection on the wrong word or phrase. That it should have been 'this' or it should have been 'that'. But, they never do anything about it... except complain!  Their friends tell them they have a good voice -- that they should be doing commercials. That's a great idea... but how do you get into the industry? It use to be quite time consuming and expensive. You need a commercial audition reel. For that, you need some commercial copy (what the voice over person is reading) and access to a recording studio. Getting your hands on some commercial copy can be a bit of work -- but usually inexpensive or even free. Studio time is a whole different story -- it can run to several thousand of pesos per hour. And, if you are just starting out, it may take quite a few hours to get an fully produced commercial audition reel. Along with commercials, there are many other things that need voicing -- corporate and industrial presentations, narrations, audio for websites -- just to mention a few. As long as there are products to voice -- there will be a need for good, skilled voice over artists. So, where do they come from? Who trains them? How do they acquire that skills necessary to get hired for voice over work? That's where our voice acting and dubbing training comes in...   I used to be in the exact same place you are right now. I was the biggest complainer of all -- and always talking about how I could do a better job voicing the commercial than 'the guy on the radio'. My friends told me that I had a pretty good voice and should think voicing commercials. So I did! Now, I'm a successful voice over artist with literally thousands of radio and television commercials to my credit. I have also done animation voices, character voices, corporate and industrial voice overs, narrations and audio for websites. But it wasn't easy and took a long time because there weren't many people who were offering any voice acting training. I was lucky to be working at ABS CBN Channel 2 as a dubber and DZMM and DZRH where I could access radio drama and radio ads and spend time in the recording booth. I put together a very crude commercial audition reel and took it to the few recording studios I could find in the local phone book. I did a number of commercial 'sessions' for free, just to get the experience and a better audition reel. I wondered if I was ever going to be a 'real' voice over artist or just a wanna-be. I'll never forget my first paying session. It was an Coke Commercial where I did the voice of a kid. It's only one line. It wasn't as glamorous as I had expected -- but the cheque cleared at the bank... and that was all that mattered. I was on my way... as a professional voice over artist. "With the right voice acting training, almost anyone can become a voice over artist... ...with virtually NO upfront investment!"   I wish that during my early years, I had known the tips & techniques that are available to you today. Instead, I had to learn these techniques through costly "trial and error", often wasting countless hours on something that turned out be of no value or cost me a lucrative voice session. But YOU don't have to make any of those mistakes -- you get the benefit of our experience! Imagine standing at a microphone in your own home studio doing a voice over for someone who came to you for your services! How cool is that? So, why am I doing this? I'm SICK of seeing good, honest people being taken advantage of by so-called "special" techniques that aren't really special at all. My voice over training has been proven successful over 15-years. My voice over training offers so much more than just learning to read with a professional sounding voice. You will also learn... to interprete the copy.effective pacing and pausing. proper inflection.enunciation and articulation.reading faster but still legible.vocal and facial exercises to keep your muscles limber.tricks to get those facial muscles to work when they don't want to.and, various microphone techniques that will dramatically change the way you sound. Plus... Script Writing/Translating/Re-writingVoice-Acting, Voice Directing and DubbingActual Dubbing and Radio Ad Recording SessionABS CBN Dubbing Studio Tour (by invitation of Instructors)Anime Conventions HostingReal Radio BroadcastingRadio Drama My mentors and directors also joined me and we have incorporated all 80- years of experience into this training program that can turn you into a successful voice artist or make you a better one. JOIN THE BEST AND ONLY VOICE ACTING SCHOOL IN THE PHILIPPINES! Its the most comprehensive works hop on Voice Acting and Dubbing for Telenovelas and Anime! Starting this July 3, 2010 you can be part of an 8-week long seminar that will do wonders for the way you speak and perform. If you've always wanted to become a voice artist for radio and tv commer cial, dubber for telenovelas and anime, or improve how people listen to you speak, then this is the way to go! VoiceWorx! now on its twelfth run, brings you the force of voice acting within reach. Learn the art of voice acting and voice overs in a fun environment, guaranteed to bring out the creative juices within you. See how do it.. This 2 month Voice Acting course guarantees to perk up that personality in your voice! Listen to what people are saying! "I have never found anything close to what CreatiVoices has offered, thanks to VoiceWorx! I feel more confident in speaking up and performing behind the microphone.." - Jeff Marty Dimaano, 1st batch VoiceWorx!, now also a regular du bber and President of SYVAP "This has definitely opened up new ideas on what I can do with my voices!.." - Gabrielle Tiongson, barely 18 years old when she took the seminar, now a regular voice talent at ABS-CBN. "I'm proud of what I have accomplished with my voice, and with the help of CreatiVoices.." - Jo Carol Fernandez, 1st place winner of H3 Dubbing Compe tition and now lead role dubber: "NANA" in the animated series "BOKURA GA ITA" "I landed the job of Official Voiceover at Manny Pacquiao's Show, Pinoy Records!.." - Heinie Hartendorp, former Radio jock, turned professional voice actor. "Thanks to you guys, I'm one of the cast of the English dubbed Version of Maging Sino Ka Man.." - Pia Serrapio , doing several voice gigs since she last attended VoiceWorx! "Definitely more than what you bargained for.. much, much more..!" - _user_stilissimmo [at] yahoo [dot] com">Zaphael N. Berenguer, doing live VO gigs, Telenovela translations and actual dubbing sessions. Here are some of VoiceWorx Graduates that has done Voice Over Works from different companies. Earl Leonard Sebastian - Radio Drama Script Writer - DZRH Christina Campana - Voice Talent for a Kenyan Animation/Actress Knowledge Channel Carlo Patrick DelMar Torres - ToyCon Voice Acting Competition Champion 2009 - Event Host/Model Alvin Balce - Event Host/Anime Events Karen Desu - Japanese Translator - ABS CBN/ HERO TV Nelieza Magauay - Dubber/Writer - ABS-CBN/HERO TV Anna Marie Lim-Chan - Voice Talent/Radio Ad - Sound Design Margaret Kaitlin S. McRae - Dubber/Host - ABS-CBN/HERO TV Peluchi Pascual - Voice Talent/Animations - CreatiVoices Binoy Sadia - Producer/Voice Over - 700 Club Asia Daniw De Leon - Film Producer/Host/VO - Tempest Films Dulce Amor Nieva Fortunado - Voice Talent - CreatiVoices Glenn Ong - Host/Live Events Voice Over Alissa Mendoza - TV Host/Teacher - VOTY TV Ray Pacursa- Translator/Writer - ABS-CBN/TV 5/GMA 7 Frances Mendoza - Japanese Translator/TV Host - VOTY TV Zsaris Mendioro - Dubber - ABS-CBN/HERO TV Onick Valero - Model Mars Mercado - Storyteller/Teacher Daniel Castillo - Dubber - ABS-CBN/HERO TV Emmanuel Ramos - Voice Over/Movie Voice Over/Dubber Gutch Gutierrez - Professional Voice Talent - Hit Productions/Sound Design Jen Metra - Live Host Rean Delos Reyes - Writer/Translator/Dubber - ABS-CBN/HERO TV/GMA 7 Barbarra Lee - Host Carla Mejia - Writer/Voice Artist/Dubber - ABS-CBN/HERO TV/GMA 7/CreatiVoices Victoria Puyat - Event Host Mark Aragona - Professional Voice Talent - Sound Design Albert Alicer - Radio Disc Jockey/DJ/ Live Host Byron Barinuevo - Head Writer/Translator/Dubber/TV Host/TV Director- ABS-CBN/GMA/CreatiVoices Patricia Sy - Dubber/TV Host/Cosplayer/Events Host/Model - MMDA on the Road/ABS-CBN/HERO TV Reymond Alagar - Rapper Dodie Gregorio - Assistant Dubbing Director Zap Berenguer - Live Voice Over/Film Director - Tempest Films Isaac Bulatao - Live Voice Performer/Host/Voice Over/Radio Announcer/Radio Drama Angel Gonzales - Radio DJ/Live Host/Voice Over Talent/Professional Radio Ad Talent/Podcaster - Mellow 94.7/CreatiVoices Samuel Duque - Call Center Representative/TV Host - VOTY TV Jill Fernandez - Dubber -ABS-CBN/HERO TV/GMA 7 Aileen Hildawa - Dubber - HERO TV Alina Co - Voice Over Artist/Segment Producer - CreatiVoices/Knowledge Channel Ashtoreth Marciano - Live Host EDdieson Jaluag - Dubber/Live Host/Editor - HERO TV/SOLAR TV Marian Carpo - Dubber/Live Host/Actress - HERO TV/Tempest Films Princess Poe - Dubber/Writer - ABS-CBN/HERO TV Jay Garcia - Radio Broadcaster/Live Voice Over/Sound Engineer/Speaker- DZSR/CreatiVoices Andrew Nacino - Broadcaster/Live Host - DZME/CreatiVoices Joseph Paulo Claravall - Voice Artist/Live Host/Voice Over/Improv Master - CreatiVoices Sean Melendres - Dubber/Live Host - ABS-CBN/CreatiVoices Edelita Ong - Professional Voice Artist/Live Host - Hit Productions/Sound Design/CreatiVoices Emil Miras - Vocalist - Blue Ketsup GOOD NEWS! The good news is you can now pay bank to bank. Please make the reservation fee or downpayment to the following account: Acct Name : CreatiVoices Productions Bank : Bank of the Philippine Islands ( BPI) Branch : Buendia-Dian Acct. No. : 3716-8607-58 After which kindly fax us a bank statement with your contact details (name,address, mobile, email) at 239-6468 depositing the said amount. Also please indicate your choice of class schedule, R1 or R2. You can also email us a copy of the scanned statement at If you wish to pay in full or may a downpayment of 50% this is also possible. Reminder: You should pay the whole tuition fee 1 week before the first session to secure your slot because their are waiting lists. The decision is yours... you are either serious about becoming a voice over artist or you are not. It's as simple as that. "HURRY UP, BEFORE SEATS RUN OUT!" To register offline, simply drop by at the studio at the 3rd floor Left Wing Lightblue Bldg. 1745 Dian St. Palanan Makati City. For directions on how to get there you can check our online map here. Creativoices Studios If the link doesn't work, copy this to your browser: There is a google map of CreatiVoices studios at the page link above, so you can easily find the exact location of the seminar area. For directions on how to get to our workshop you may call: (632) 239.6468 or 970.0971 (from 9am - 6pm, Mon-Fridays only) Visit our website at and Everyone Can in 2010! $.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$. More information!!! $.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$.$. What is a Voice-Over? " A voice over is any recording or performance by one or more unseen voices for the purpose of communicating a message" – James Alburger. Any message you hear without seeing the performer is considered to be voice-over. This means voice-over is all around us! Whether you are listening to the radio, watching movies or television, dining at your fast food restaurant or riding the rail transit, voice-overs can be heard! Is doing Voice-overs hard? Voice-overs can actually be done by anyone! And it's a very rewarding job indeed. A lot of Voice Talents are being paid to play and many professional voice-overs get their kick out of the industry just by enjoying what they do. Anybody can do a voice-over, but not everybody can do voice acting. So what is Voice Acting? Voice acting is an art. And like all other art forms it has tools and techniques which must be mastered in order for you to succeed in the level of success you want to deserve. Its about finding the kid in you. It requires dedication and passion for doing Voice-over jobs, and lots of patience to master the skills. True, not everyone can do voice acting, but anybody can benefit from learning how it works. In fact, many of the students in Creativoices Clinic don't pursue voice-over jobs, but need the voice acting skills to further themselves in their chosen field. How do I benefit from Voice Acting lessons? If you want to break into the world of voice-overs, then voice acting is a must for you. By knowing how to express yourself properly, you can create real and believable characters for commercials, narrations, radio drama and most especially animation. With voice acting you can liven up a conversation and get the attention you want, whether its on a business or a personal level. If you or your job requires you to: 1. Communicate with other people on the same or higher business level. 2. Prepare Scripts, Write-ups or Citations for Productions 3. Talk to customers or clients and close business deals fast and efficient. 4. Constantly talk to other people and associates by way of declamation, speech or impromptu performance. 5. Or maybe you love to sing, host or perform for an audience. 6. Express yourself in a creative and entertaining manner. Who can do Voice-Acting? Anyone who needs to talk can communicate better when he/she uses voice acting techniques. Which means that even salespersons, promodizers, carpenters, engineers, attorneys, teachers, draftsmen, doctors, nurses, utility personnel, front desk officers, etc.. can learn voice acting, and benefit from expressing or communicating properly and creatively, with their peers. What about Creativoices Clinic? Creativoices Clinic is one of the departments of Creativoices Productions – the premier voice over solutions provider in the country. And it is now offering the Creative Voice Acting Workshop, the only one of its kind in the Philippines today. There are many voice acting schools abroad and many Voice talents offering "experience" based teaching, but none offers a detailed and thorough application and training by book and modules like Creativoices Clinic. What do I expect from the training? In Creative Voice Acting Workshop, you'll get: 1. Personalized, one on one voice coaching and training throughout the workshop - from real and credible Voice Acting Professionals 2. Information you need to know to become a successful voice actor and communicator. 3. Create real and believable characters from within you and learn how to bring them back when needed. 4. Training materials and assignments to keep you at pace with the workshop and rapidly develop your voice acting skills. 5. Professional Critiques to hear and identify your voice qualities and problems. 6. Knowledge on how to self-market and promote your talent, professionally. How does it work? The workshop lasts for about 2-3 intensive hours each session, once a week. There are 3 training modules divided into 8 sessions and categories: Session 1: The Voice That Works Session 2: Starting Over – What it takes to be a voice talent Session 3: Accents, Dictions, Variety, Articulation and Movement. How to Create Voices. Session 4: Translation and Effective Dubbing delivery Session 5: Creating interesting and unique character voices for Dubbing Session 6: Actors acting. Working with Dubbing dialogues and multi-voice copies. Session 7: Fine tuning your performance, Dubbing Sessions and VO Best Kept Secrets Session 8: One-on-One Mock Auditions with Critique board and Q & A forum How do I Join? Sign-up now by clicking on the link below: REGISTER NOW! You can also drop by at our office and pay in partial or full. The P1000 reservation fee will be deducted from your Seminar fee of P8000.00.  Plus ABS-CBN Dubbing Studio Tours (by invitation of Instructor Only) and 2 additional DAYS! How much does it cost? For the whole program the total cost is Php 8,000 only. You should pay the whole tuition fee 1 week before the progam, these includes fees for the instructor, venue and training materials. A one time, non-refundable reservation fee of Php 1000.00 will guarantee your seat. Students may also take advantage of the referral program. What is the referral program? For a limited time only, students can now avail of this special program. Please review the terms and conditions carefully. 1. Applicants must be 18 years old and above and residing in the Philippines. 2. Application forms for the referral program must be fully completed. 3. Only Workshop students may apply for the referral program. 4. Applicants will get Php 1,000 per successful referral. 5. Incentives may be in form of cash or deferred through the candidate's course. Which means if you get 8 successful referrals, you study the whole program for FREE. 6. Incentives can only be claimed if the referrals has paid in full. 7. There are no limits to referrals, and students may still avail of the program even after the course. 8. Creativoices Productions reserves the right to terminate or revoke any referral program at any given time. Schedule of Training and Workshop Start of Classes will be on July 3, 2010 (Saturday) and every Saturday thereof: 1st class – 10:00 am to 12:00 noon 2nd class – 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm If you have already registered/reserved your seat, then congratulations! This is your first step to that much awaited success in voice acting! We'll see you in our studio soon! MAY THE VOICE BE WITH YOU.   VOICEWORX! Instructors NEIL ERICSON “Papa” TOLENTINO After more than a decade of professional work in the voice-acting and dubbing industry, it would be an understatement to say that Mr. Neil Ericson M. Tolentino has done it all. As a dubbing supervisor and director, Mr. Tolentino, or Papa Neil as fondly called by his peers, is behind some of the most popular Asianovelas like Lovers in Paris , Princess Lulu and Stained Glass. But even before the phenomenal success of the Korean Wave, Neil has also had a hand in directing Mexican soaps like Dos Amores, Gata Salvaje and animated series such as Streetfighter. Prior to being a dubbing – supervisor, writer and translator for TV shows, Neil already directed several plays and performed as a stage-actor himself. Such experience made him versatile enough to appear in several TV series as a character “ actor for Marina and become an acting coach and script consultant for "Sana Ikaw na Nga" among other major productions. Even if he already is a full-fledged director, Neil continues to provide the voice for several anime characters for HERO TV, TV and Radio commercials. And to give back to the society, Neil also continuously shares his talents as a teacher and facilitator for scriptwriting and voice – acting workshops including Creativoices productions "VoiceWorx" inspiring the next generation to break new grounds in the voice – acting industry. ____________________________________________________________ DANILO “Ama” MANDIA Probably as a boy born in Boac Marinduque, even Mr. Danilo Ledesma Mandia, himself could've never imagined that he would later on become an institution, a pillar of the voice “ acting industry. Although, Mr. Mandia may not want to be branded as an "institusyon"¦ all the people he has worked with would certainly agree. Coming from a diverse educational background - an Economics major in Trinity College; Agriculture Courses in the USA and UP Los Banos; it seemed that Mr. Mandia'S heart is really into the Theater Arts, which he finished as a Masters degree at UP. It was indeed in the theater where he perfected his art as an actor, stage manager, artistic director and instructor since the late 70's until the 90's. Also, for a couple of years, he served as an instructor for De La Salle College of St. Benilde, Miriam College and Trinity College. Since 1991, Mr. Mandia has been working as a dubbing director and translator for the biggest Broadcasting Network in the country, ABS-CBN and since 2005, for Hero TV Channel. Some of the most memorable animated series he handled were Peter Pan, Dog of Flanders, Remi, Julio at Julia, Snowhite, RayEarth, BTX, Little Women 1 and 2, Zenki, Heidi, Digimon 1 and 2, Hana Yori Dango, Kim Possible, Voltes V celebrity edition, Akazukin Cha-cha. He also had a hand in other TV Series such as Bananas in Pajamas, Meteor Garden, Love Scar (Fantasy Fever), ABCDEF-4, and Girls Marching On among others. His decades of experience in the arts already gave him a keen eye, or rather an "ear" for potential voice talents and actors. He has discovered some of the most talented voice actors in the industry. He might as well be labeled as a "discoverer" of talents, yet to the people he has inspired, Mr. Mandia would be best described as a dedicated professional, a good friend and a true father. ____________________________________________________________ ALFREDO “Alexx” AGCAOILI Also Known as “The Supremo .” Alexx Agcaoili is a Filipino Voice Actor and ADR Director. Most of his VA and Directing work are Anime but he has also done work on some TeleNovelas which airs on certain TV stations in the Philippines, namely ABS-CBN and GMA. The very talented voice actor and Director for Filipino anime productions like, Fruits Basket, Rave Master, Mobile Suit Gundam, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Beast Machines, Supergals, Babel 1 and 2, Green Rose, and many more. Taking the role of Dr. Smith in the original Filipino Voltes V and Sanosuke Kagara in Samurai X (Rorouni Kenshin). His contribution to the workshop will be in direct supervision of the recording process and applications of voice acting. ____________________________________________________________ POCHOLO "VoiceMaster" GONZALESCEO/Managing Director/Voice Artist/Creative Voice Director Although still very young, 28 year-old Pocholo Gonzales is already considered a veteran in the art of voice acting for television, radio and even online. He started his professional career at age 16 and since then, has harnessed his talent to become one of the best and most experienced in the field of voice acting. The long list of his credentials includes providing the voice for over a thousand different animated shows, characters on Filipino-dubbed Koreanovelas and Tsinovelas, Movies, radio and television commercials and even computer games. He is also known as the "Father of Philippine Podcasting". He has won the Best Voice Actor title at the AdCongress 2003 in Baguio City through the radio commercial wherein he imitated the voice of Mike Enriquez. He also organizes shows, seminars and workshops on voice acting. At present, he owns and manages Creativoices Productions and also keeps himself busy with Society of Young Voice Artists of the Philippines-SYVAP, a group of voice actors and talents he organized. Aside from his voice acting credentials, he takes pride at being honored as a Youth Advocate in Washington D.C., New York, Sydney and Tokyo for being the founder of a youth organization, Voice of the Youth Network ( He finished BA Speech Communication and took his M.A. for Broadcast Communication in University of the Philippines. He also studied Voice Acting in California USA. He also hosts a radio program entitled Voice of the Youth Radio Version 6.0 at DZME 1530 kHz every Sunday, 10 - 11 AM. He believes that Voice Acting is an Art that needs to be heard, to be recognized and to be further developed. ____________________________________________________________ BRIAN MATHEW "Godpodder" LIGSAY COO/Marketing Director/Voice Artist/Creative Writer Godpodder With over 12 years of Professional Experience in Voice Over and Events Industry in the Philippines, Brian has everything you need in a Talent. Showcasing a wide variety of voices from Corporate/Expert voice, Coliseum barker types, Hard Sell, Drama, and Character or Animation. With a solid background in Broadcasting, Brian is also a Scriptwriter, Host and Director. Plus he’s a Voice Coach and Head Instructor at Univoicesal Productions. He makes the simplest copy and the smallest events into big time, show time! You've Never Heard Something This Big!.. --  Visit Wishing you every success, Pocholo "The VoiceMaster" Gonzales TESTIMONIALS   “It’s a different thing. It’s not just the voice… it is really acting” - Karen Anne Mata, Japanese Language Major “I learned how to develop my voice, how to preserve it from morning ‘till afternoon even if I’m speaking, and at the same time, how to change my voice without exerting too much effort. And also, I learned the proper way of delivering lines” - Rufino Albert Bernardo, a free lance architect “All the teachers that handled us were great. All the trainings and lectures they gave us were really enjoyable” - Anna Marie “Ann” Celeridad “I’ve learned a lot from this workshop especially the translations, audio dialogues, replacements and a lot more things when it comes to voice acting” - Jay Garcia “I joined the workshop because I wanted to learn different techniques about voice acting. It’s a very fun experience… there were a lot of exercises. And it really opened my eyes to the world of voice acting” - Katrina “Kat” Pama “I joined this workshop to further develop my God-given talent, and at the same time, share it with my co-workshoppers. I learned form my past lectures the real concept of dubbing… that it is not simply voice manipulation, but an art.” - Michael Juyad “I learned from Voiceworx the proper vocalization and that there are other ways on how to execute it… through the diaphragm, the lower register and the throat” - Olive Princess “Liv” Riego “There is no better way to hone my talents and skills in voice acting than learning from the experts whom the creativoices has in their workshop. It’s been a real enjoyable course and I’ve learned a lot especially from our three guest speakers Ama (Danny Mandia), Papa Neil (Neil Tolentino) and Supremo (Alex Agcaoili). We also felt the guidance brought by the Creativoices heads, Sir Choi and Sir Bryan whom made quite an effort to make sure Creativoices delivers what it was set out to do… And that is to equip and develop the voice artist industry” - Michael Robert “Mike” Reyes “I saw the Creativoices workshop on the internet when I searched for the word “dubbing Philippines” in What urged me to join the workshop is the curiosity on how the dubbers portray their characters” - Mariane “Mayan” Agena “Actually I was searching for a another outlet that is different from the normal job routines and since I’m a fan of anime, I decided to enroll at Voiceworx. I was really grateful when I was accepted here because they have the best dubberrs and established directors in their workshop. - Francis Francisco, member of the 6th batch of voiceworx trainees “It was indeed a fun experience. At the same time, I learned several pointers, techniques and tools that improved ourselves, not only as voice artists, but also as a person” - Maria Edora “Dory” Gregoria, housewife and a mother of five. “The mentors and teachers in this workshop were very accommodating and they really value time. Considering the amount we paid, it was a bargain based on the services we acquired because the staffs here are professionals” - Yvarr de la Cruz “I’ve learned a lot and gained more experiences. I never thought voice acting would be this fun!” - Kris Shiela Mingi “I learned the proper utilization of voices, the proper way to direct it and the proper way of translating” - Reymond Alagar “Voiceworx expanded my horizon by their concepts and practices. They gave me a glimpse regarding the field of voice acting. There were aspects of this matter which I was unaware of. But the most important lesson that I learned is that voice acting is an art” - Daniw “Yao” de Leon, software developer “I discovered new things every meetings” - John Paul Quilapo “The workshop helped me mold my personality. It may seem that you’re trapped inside you, but as the workshop continues, you’ll be surprised that you’re already out of the box” - Lea Marie “Aya” Balmes “Voiceworx gave me a great opportunity to boost my self-confidence and self-esteem” - Pablo Benjamin “Bong” Laureano “At first, I was focused only on dubbing but on the latter part, when I met Sir Neil Tolentino, he taught me the proper way of translating… I got interested in scriptwriting. Although dubbing is still a part of my interest, scriptwriting became my primary focus. I learned that translating is not just about expressing your words, but it should also be acceptable and ethical to your audience” - Juan Miguel Mesina “Dubbing is coming from your inner self. It is about drama, exaggeration and impersonation” - Neil “Papa Neil” Tolentino, dubbing instructor “I socialized with different kinds of people. There are those who have jobs, are married and some are students like me. The good thing about this is that, though we have our differences, we still share a common interest. They won’t be so confident to establish a workshop if they are not fully equipped with experience in their field” - Dwan Marciano “Join Voiceworx! You’ll never know where it will lead you” - Tisha Rosales “Our instructors were accommodating… they did help us a lot. We had fun, and at the same time, we learn in terms of this industry. We will miss this” - Gian delos Santos “I can say that after the workshops in Creativoices, you will have opportunity to go to major stations to dub and voice acts” - Alan Giosengfiao “The instructors were amiable and approachable. They were always open and available for questions” - Dar Santos “I learned how to take care of my voice, and also the right things to do in voice acting. I also learned how to relate with different people that has different backgrounds”   - Glen Ong “The instructors teaches very well and you will really learn from them” - Sean Melendres “I learned a lot… like translating and voice acting” - Andrew Nacino “Voiceworx will bring out the potential in you to be a very good voice actor” - Jonathan “Jao” Ortiz “I learned the true meaning of dubbing and I get to experience what’s really happening inside the dubbing room” - Ceff Montifar “This workshop is the best in business. It’s really fun in the class and the teachers are really great” - Victoria Puyat “At first, I was shy. But then, it was fun” - Gwen Llana “Very challenging. I love it” - Pamela “Pam” Miranda   “You will really learn a lot from the professionals” - Myra Pesquet   “I met the professionals in the dubbing industry” - Boots Montes “I learned how to play with my voice” - Nadine Mata   “It’s not just all about dubbing. It also developed my communication and writing skills” - Freya Pacis “It’s very educational… and I gained more friends” - Emil Miras “You won’t feel tired during the sessions” - Nina Lacson   What are you waiting for? CALL 239-6468 AND REGISTER NOW! Visit our office at: CREATIVE CENTER 1745 Dian St., Palanan, Makati City 1235 PHILIPPINES View Larger Map  Loading... © Copyright CreatiVoices 2010 The VoiceMaster try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-13223643-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}