Friday, February 16, 2007

Five Ways to Watch TV on Your PC

Five Ways to Watch TV on Your PC

Sure, you might be sitting at a desk and not really thinking about 24, but why wouldn't
you want to watch TV on your computer? Your LCD almost certainly has
better resolution than your TV, and when you're right in front of it,
with two decent speakers (or more), it can be a pretty good way to
watch a show or two.

Here are five ways to get television on your computer.

1) TiVoToGo - If you have a Series2 TiVo, you need TiVoToGo,
which lets you download anything you've recorded on your TiVo to your
PC. The shows can't be shared with other computers, so if you're
planning on watching TV on the road, make sure you install TiVoToGo on
your laptop. It's free, people!

2) Official Web Downloads
- Check it out: The TV network may keep copies of its shows online for
free download. NBC, for example, has some full episodes of its prime time shows here, and CBS has full episodes of a full eight prime time series available to watch online (bottom left corner). Visit your favorite shows' official website (or their network) to see what's available.

3) Classic TV - Like bad TV from the '70s and '80s (and just about any other decade)? Check out In2TV
(Internet Explorer only, and even then it's buggy), which has archives
of dozens of old shows (some much, much worse than others).

4) Overseas TV - Wanna brush up on your Hungarian? Check out BeelineTV, which streams about 100 networks from countries ranging from China to Slovenia and beyond. You'll find plenty more a wwiTV, which also includes numerous U.S. local channels broadcasting online.

5) When in Doubt, Buy It - You can buy or rent TV show episodes a la carte all over the web. Most popular is probably the iTunes Store:
Note that you don't actually need an iPod to buy movies here if you
just want to watch them on your computer. An episode is typically
$1.99. Amazon Unbox also has similarly prices (though few have much good to say about it).

I already hit five? I haven't even covered connecting your TV to your cable with a tuner card or a USB TV tuner. There's also the famous Slingbox,
and you can always buy or rent TV shows on DVD, too. Post your other
suggestions for getting TV on your computer in the comments section!

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