Sunday, August 31, 2008

J.S. Gilbert : Problem Solving

J.S. Gilbert : Problem Solving

Backstage's Emmy Award Winning Segment: The Voice of God

Backstage's Emmy Award Winning Segment: The Voice of God

Behind the Voicesss

Behind the Voicesss



Common Errors in English

Common Errors in English Read about the book version of this site. Now available: the 2008 Common Errors in English Usage boxed daily calendar Listen to Paul Brians' interview on the Voice of America Wordmaster program. Click here for the text-only version of this site. Preparing to review or recommend this site? Please read this first. Public presentations by Paul Brians About this Search Engine A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z * 100s * 360 degrees * a/an * A.D. * AM/PM * abject * able to * about * absorbtion * abstruse/obtuse * academia * accede/exceed * accent marks * access * accessory * accept/except * accidently * accurate/precise * acronyms and apostrophes * acrossed * actionable/doable * actual fact/actually * ad/add * ad nauseum * addicting * adapt/adopt * administer/minister * administrate * adultry * advance/advanced * adverse/averse * advice/advise * adviser/advisor * advocate for * aesthetic/ascetic * affect/effect * affluence/effluence * African-American * afterall * afterwards/afterwords * agnostic/atheist * agreeance/agreement * ahold/hold * ain’t * aisle/isle * all * all and all * all be it * all for not * all goes well/augurs well * all of the sudden * all the farther * alleged, allegedly * alliterate/illiterate * alls * allude/elude * allude/refer * allusion/illusion * allusive/elusive/illusive * almost * along the same line * alot * aloud/allowed * already/all ready * alright * altar/alter * alterior * alternate/alternative * altogether/ all together * alumnus/alumni * amature * ambiguous/ambivalent * ambivalent/indifferent * American * amongst/among * amoral/immoral * amount/number * ampitheater * ancestor * and also * and/or * anecdote/antidote * angel/angle * another words * antihero * anxious/eager * any more * anytime * anyways * anywhere * apart/a part * apiece/a piece * apostrophes * appauled * appraise/apprise * apropos/appropriate * around/about * arthuritis * artic * artisanal/artesian * ascribe/subscribe as best as * as far as * as follow * as of yet * as per * as such * as time progressed * ascared * asocial * aspect/respect * assure/ensure/insure * asterick * astrology/astronomy * aswell * at all * ATM machine * athlete * athiest * attain/obtain * attribute/contribute * aural/oral * auger/augur * autobiography/biography * avaidable * avenge/revenge * avocation/vocation * away/a way * awe, shucks * awhile/a while * ax * axel/axle * back/forward/up in time * backslash/slash * backward/backwards * bail/bale * baited breath * baldfaced, boldfaced * ball/bawl * barb wire, bob wire * bare/bear * barter/haggle * base * based around, based off of * basicly * bazaar/bizarre * beat/bead * beaurocracy * beckon call * begs the question * behaviors * being that * belief/believe * belief toward * below table * bemuse * benefactor/beneficiary * beside/besides * better * between * between you and I * beyond the pail * bias/biased * bible * bicep * biweekly/semiweekly * blatant * boarders/borders * bonafied * bored of * born/borne * born out of * borrow/loan * borrow off * both/each * bought/brought * boughten * bounce/bounds * bourgeois * bouyant * brainchild * brake/break * brand names * brang, brung * breach/breech * breath/breathe * bring/take * Britain/Briton * broach/brooch * broke/broken * brunt/butt * brussel sprout * build off of * bullion/bouillon * bully pulpit * bumrush * butt naked * buttox * by/’bye/buy * by far and away * cache/cachet * caddy-corner * call the question * callous/callused * cheese quesadilla * calm, cool, and collective * Calvary/cavalry * can goods * Canadian geese * cannot/can not * canon/cannon * capital/capitol * caramel/carmel * carat/caret/carrot/karat * careen/career * caring * cast in stone * Catch 22 * CD-ROM disk * ceasar * celibate/chaste * celtic * cement/concrete * center around * center of attraction * cents * chai tea * chaise longue * chalk-full * Champaign/Champagne * chauvinist * Check * chemicals * Chicano/Latino/Hispanic * chrispy * chose/choose * chuck/chunk * Church * cite/site/sight * classic/classical * cleanup/clean up * cliché/clichéd * click/clique * close/clothes * close proximity * closed-minded * coarse/course * cold slaw * collaborate/corroborate * collage/college * collective plural * Colombia/Columbia * colons/semicolons * come with * commas * company names with apostrophes * compare and contrast * compare to/compare with * complement/compliment * complementary/complimentary * comprised of * concensus * concerning * concerted effort * conflicted/conflicting feelings * confusionism * congradulations * connote/denote * conscience, conscious, consciousness * conservativism * contaminates/contaminants * continual/continuous * contrary/contrast * contrasts/contrasts with * conversate * copywrite/copyright * core/corps/corpse * costumer/customer * could care less * could of/should of/would of * council/counsel/consul * couple/couple of * cowtow * Crackerjacks * crafts * credible/credulous * crescendo/climax * crevice/crevasse * crick/creek * criteria/criterion * criticism * critique/criticize * croissant * crucifiction * crucifix/cross * cue/queue * currant/current * curve your appetite * cut and dry * cut and paste/copy and paste * cut of tea * damped/dampened * damp squid * dangling and misplaced modifiers * daring-do * data * dateline/deadline * daylight savings time * debrief * deceptively * decimate * deep-seeded * defence * definate * deformation/defamation * defuse/diffuse * degrade/denigrate/downgrade * degree names * deja vu * democrat/democratic * denied of * depends * depreciate/deprecate * derisory/derisive * desert/dessert * deviant/deviate * device/devise * dew/do/doo/due * dialogue/discuss * dieties * differ/vary * different than * dilemma/difficulty * dire straights * disburse/disperse * disc/disk * disconcerning * discreet/discrete * discussed/disgust * disgression * disinterested/uninterested * disrespect * dissemble/disassemble * do respect * do’s and don’ts * doctorial/doctoral * doesn’t supposed to * dolly/handcart * dominate/dominant * done/did * double negatives * doubt that/doubt whether/doubt if * doubtlessly/doubtless * dove/dived * downfall/drawback * drank/drunk * drastic/dramatic * dredge/drudge/trudge * drier/dryer * dribble/drivel * drips and drabs * drive/disk * drug/dragged * dual/duel * duck tape * due to the fact that * dyeing/dying * e.g./i.e. * each * early adapter * earth, moon * easedrop * ecology/environment * economic/economical * ecstatic * ect. * -ed/-t * needs -ed/-ing * efforting * ei/ie * either * either are/either is * eighteen hundreds/nineteenth century * electrocute * elicit/illicit * ellipses * email * embaress * emergent/emergency * emigrate/immigrate * eminent/imminent/immanent * empathy/sympathy * emphasize on * emulate/imitate * end result * enamored by * endemic/epidemic * engine/motor * English/British * enjoy to * enormity/enormousness * enquire/inquire * ensuite * ensure/insure * enthuse * entomology/etymology * envelop/envelope * envious/jealous * enviroment * epic/epoch * epicenter * epigram/epigraph/epitaph/epithet * epitomy * eponymous * error/err * -es * et al. * ethics/morals/morale * ethnic * ever so often * every * every since * everyday * everyone/every one * everytime * evidence to * evoke * exact same * exalt/exult * exasperate/exacerbate * excape/escape * exceptional/exceptionable * excrable * exhileration * exorcise/exercise * exponential * expressed/express * expresso * expresses that/says that * extend/extent * extract revenge * factoid * fair/fare * far be it for me * farther/further * fastly * fatal/fateful * faze/phase * fearful/fearsome * Febuary * feelings for/feelings about * feint/faint * female/woman * 50’s * fiance/fiancee * finalize * fine toothcomb * firey * first annual * firstable * fiscal/physical * fit the bill * fittest * fixing * flair/flare * flak/flack * flaunt/flout * flesh out/flush out * floppy disk/hard disk * flounder/founder * fluke * flys * focus around * followup * font/typeface * foot/feet * footnotes/endnotes * for/fore/four * for all intensive purposes * for free * for goodness’ sakes * for one/for one thing * for sale/on sale * for sell * for sure/sure * forbidding/foreboding/formidable * forceful/forcible/forced * forego/forgo * foresee/forsee * forever/for ever * formally/formerly * forward/forwards * fortuitous/fortunate * foul/fowl * fourty * fowl swoop * framework/groundwork * Frankenstein * frankly * French dip with au jus * freshman/freshmen * from . . . to * from the beginning of time * fully well * fulsome * -fuls/-ful * full proof/foolproof * functionality * furl/furrow * fushia * GP practice * gaff/gaffe * gamut/gauntlet * gander/dander * gaurd * genius * gender * get me * Ghandi * gibe/jibe/jive * gift/give * gig/jig * gild/guild * goal/objective * god * goes * gone/went * gonna * good/well * got/gotten * government * graduate * grammer * gratis/gratuitous * gray/grey * greatful * grevious * grill cheese * grisly/grizzly * group (singular vs. plural) * ground zero * grow * guess who? * gyp * had ought * hadn’t have * hail/hale * hairbrained * hand and hand * handicap/disability * hangar/hanger * hanged/hung * hanging indents * Hanukkah, Chanukah * hardly * hardly never * hardy/hearty * hark/hearken * HIV virus * he don’t * heading/bound * heal/heel * hear/here * hearing-impaired * heavily * heighth * help the problem * hence why * herbs/spices * hero/protagonist * heroin/heroine * highly looked upon/highly regarded * him, her/he, she * Hindi/Hindu * hippie/hippy * hisself * historic/historical * an historic * hoi polloi * hoard/horde * hold your peace/say your piece * hole/whole * holocaust * homophobic * home page * hone in * hors d’oeuvres * how to * hundreds/century * hyphenation * hyphens & dashes * hypocritical * hysterical/hilarious * I me myself * -ic * idea/ideal * if/whether * if not * if I was/if I were * ignorant * Illinois * immaculate conception/virgin birth * impact * impactful * impertinent/irrelevant * imply/infer * in regards to * in route * in spite of/despite * in store * in terms of * in the fact that * in the mist * incase * incent, incentivize * incidences/incidents/instances * incredible * incredulous/incredible * indepth * Indian/Native American * individual * infact * infamous/notorious * infinite * inflammable * influencial * ink pen * input * in route * in shambles * in spite of/despite * insight/incite * install/instill * instances/instants * intend on * intense/intensive * intensifiers * intercession * interment/internment * Internet/intranet * interface * intergrate * intermural/intramural/extramural * interpretate * into/in to * intricate/integral * intrigue * invite/invitation * Iraq * ironically * irregardless * is, is * islams * isn't it, innit * Isreal * issues * itch/scratch * it’s/its * jack/plug * jam/jamb * jerry-built/jury-rigged * Jew/Jewish * jewelry * job titles * John Henry * John Hopkins * joint possessives * judgement * just assume * key * kick-start * kindergarden * koala bear * l/1 * LCD Display * laissez-faire * land lover * languish/luxuriate * large * last name/family name * late/former * later/latter * laundry mat * lay/lie * leach/leech * lead/led * least/lest * leave/let * legend/myth * lense * less/fewer * lessen/lesson * let alone * lets/let’s * liable, libel * liaise * libary * light-year * lighted/lit * like * like for * likker * listserv * “lite” spelling * literally * little own * little to none * lived * loath/loathe * login * logon * lol * long story short * loose/lose * loser/looser * lozenger * lustful/lusty * luxuriant/luxurious * MAC/Mac * macabre * majority are/majority is * majorly * make due * make pretend * mantle/mantel * manufacture * marital/martial * marshall * marshmellow * mash potatoes * mass * masseuse/masseur * mauve * may/might * maybe/may be * me either * mean/median * meantime/meanwhile * medal/metal/meddle/mettle * media * Medieval Ages * mediocre * medium/median * methodology/method * memorium * mfr./mfg. * mic * midrift * might could * might has well * might ought * militate/mitigate * mind of information * miner/minor * minority * minus * minus well * mischievious * misnomer * misplaced stress * mixed-up media * money is no option * mono e mono * moral/morale * morays * more importantly * moreso * most always * motherload * motion/move * Mount Fujiyama * much differently * muchly * mucus/mucous * music/singing * must of * mute point * myriad of * myself * n’ * name, pronoun * nauseated/nauseous * naval/navel * near * neck in neck * needs -ed/-ing * neice * Nevada * nevermind * new lease of life * next, this * next store * nieve * niggard * ninty * nip it in the butt * no sooner when * Noble Prize * none * nonplussed * noone * not * not all * not all that * not hardly * notate/note * notorious * now and days * nuclear * number of verb * numbers * nuptual * O/zero * obsolescent/obsolete * of * of ___’s * offense * often * oggle * OK * old fashion * old-timer’s disease * old wise tale * on accident * on the lamb * on tomorrow * once * once and a while * one of the (singular) * one-dimensional * one in the same * one of the only * ongoingly * online/on line/in line * only * onto/on to * op-ed * open * oppress/repress * oral/verbal * orders of magnitude * ordinance/ordnance * Oregon * organic * oriental * orientate * ostensively * over-exaggerated * oversee/overlook * overtake/take over * page/site * pair (number) * palate/palette/pallet * par excellance * parallel * parallelled/paralleled * parallelism in a series * paralyzation * parameters/perimeters * paramount/tantamount * paranoid * parentheses * parliment * partake/participate * passed/past * past time * pastorial * passive voice * patience/patients * pause for concern * pawn off/palm off * payed/paid * peace/piece * peak/peek/pique * peal out/peel out * peasant/pheasant * pedal/peddle * pedal to the medal * pen/pin * penultimate/next to last * peoples * per * percent, per cent * percent decrease * percipitation * pernickety/persnickety * perogative/prerogative * perpetrate/perpetuate * persay * persecute/prosecute * personal/personnel * personality * perspective/prospective * peruse * perverse/perverted * phenomena/phenomenon * Philippines/Filipinos * physical * picaresque/picturesque * pickup/pick up * picture * PIN number * pinned up * pit in my stomach * pith and vinegar * plain/plane * plays a factor * playwrite * plead innocent * please RSVP * plug-in * plus/add * podium/lectern * poinsetta * poisonous/venomous * point being is that * point in time * point of you * pole/poll * pompom/pompon * poo-poo * populace/populous * pore/pour * possessed of, by, with * practice/practise * practicle * pray/prey * precede/proceed * precedence/precedents * precipitate/precipitous * precurse * predominant/predominate * predominately * preemptory * preferably * prejudice/prejudiced * pre-Madonna * premier/premiere * premise/premises * prepone * prepositions (repeated) * prepositions (wrong) * prescribe/proscribe * presently * pretty * primer * primevil * principal/principle * prioritize * priority * proactive * probably * prodigy, progeny, protégé * proof is in the pudding * prone * pronounciation * prophecy/prophesy * prostate/prostrate * protray * proved/proven * psychologist/psychiatrist/psychotherapist/psychoanalyst * pundint * purposely/purposefully * Q/G * quantum leap * question/ask * queue * the quick and the dead * quiet/quite * quote * quotation marks * RBIs * RPMs * racism * rack/wrack * raise/raze * ran/run * random * rapport * rate of speed * ratio * rational/rationale * rationale/rationalization * ravaging/ravishing/ravenous * recreate * reactionary/reactive * readably * real/really * realtor * reap what you sew * reason because * rebelling/revolting * rebut/refute * recent/resent * rediculous * redo it over * redundancies * reeking havoc * refrain/restrain * refridgerator * refute/reject * regard/regards * regretfully/regrettably * reign/rein * reknown * religion * religion believes * religiosity * reluctant/reticent * remotely close * remuneration/renumeration * reoccurring * repel/repulse * replete/complete * reply back * report into * repungent * request/ask * resignate * resister/resistor * respiratory * respond back * restive * retch/wretch * reticent/hesitant * retrospective/retroactive * return back * revelant * revert/reply * revolve/rotate * revue/review * rhetorical questions * riffle/rifle * right of passage * ring its neck * Rio Grande River * risky/risqué * road to hoe * rob/steal * role/roll * rollover/roll over * romantic * rondezvous * root/rout/route * rouge/rogue * rubbage * Rueben * ruff * rye/wry * sacred/scared * sacreligious * safety deposit box * sail/sale/sell * salsa sauce * same difference * sarcastic/ironic * satellite * say/tell * sceptic/skeptic * schizophrenic * sci-fi * scone/sconce * Scotch * scotch free * scrapegoat * sea change * seam/seem * second of all * seen/saw * segway * select/selected * self-worth * sense/since * sensual/sensuous * sentence fragments * sergeant of arms * service/serve * set/sit * setup/set up * shall/will * shear/sheer * sheath/sheaf * sherbert * shimmy/shinny * shoe-in * shook/shaken * shrunk/shrank * shutter to think * sick/sic * Sierra Nevada Mountains * signaled out * silicon/silicone * simplistic * single quotes * sister-in-laws * skiddish * slight of hand * slog it out * slow gin * sluff off * snuck * so/very * so fun * soar/sore * social/societal * sojourn/journey * sole/soul * sometime/some time * somewhat of a * song/work or composition * sooner * sooner than later * sort after * sort of * soup du jour of the day * sour grapes * sowcow * spaces after a period * spaded/spayed * span * spare of the moment * specially/especially * specie/species * spicket * spiritualism * spoke/said * spree * squash/quash * staid/stayed * stalactites/stalagmites * stand/stance * states/countries * stationary/stationery * statue of limitations * steep learning curve * step foot * stereo * stint/stent * stock and trade * stomp * straight/strait * straightjacket * straight-laced * stress on * stricken/struck * strong suite * submittal/submission * substance-free * substitute with * suffer with * suit/suite * sulking/skulking * summary/summery * suped up * supercede * supposably, supposingly, supposively * suppose to * supremist * suspect/suspicious * surfing the Internet * swam/swum * table * tad bit * take a different tact * taken back/taken aback * tattle-tail * taught/taut * taunt/taut/tout * tenant/tenet * tender hooks * tentative * than/then * thanks God * thankyou * that/than * that/which * that kind * theirselves * them * theory * there’s * they’re/their/there * therefor/therefore * these are them * these kind * these ones * they/their (singular) * think on * though/thought/through * threw/through * throne/thrown * through a mirror, darkly * throws of passion * thusfar * thusly * tick/tic * timber/timbre * time period * times smaller * tirimisù * today’s day and age * to/too/two * toe-headed * to home * to the manor born * to where * today’s modern society * tolled/told * tooken/took/taken * tounge * tongue and cheek * torturous/tortuous * touch bases * tow the line * toward/towards * track home * tradegy * tragedy/travesty * transition * trite and true * troop/troupe * try and * tussled/tousled * two to tangle * UFO * ugly American * The Ukraine * unconscience * under the guise that * undermind * under weigh * underestimated * underlining * undo/undue * undoubtably * unkept * University of Indiana * unrest * unthaw * untracked * upmost * upto * urine analysis * use/usage * use to * used to could * utilize * vague reference * vain/vane/vein * various * vary/very * veil of tears * vendor * veracious/voracious * verbage * verb tense * verse/play against * verses/versus * very unique * vicious/viscous circle/cycle * video * vinegarette * vintage point * virii * vitae * viola/voila * volumptuous * wail/whale * wait on * walk the talk * wander/wonder * warmongerer * warrantee/warranty * wary/weary/leery * was/were * wash * wax * way * ways * weak/week * weather/wether/whether * weather forecast calls for * weiner * Wensday * went/gone * we’re/were * were/where * wet your appetite * whacky/wacky * what * wheat * wheelbarrel * whenever/when * whereabouts are * where it’s at * wherefore * whether/whether or not * whilst/while * whim and a prayer * whimp * whip cream * whisky/whiskey * who/whom * who’s/whose * a whole ’nother * whole-hardily * whose-ever * wile away * -wise * within/among * woman/women * wonderkind * wont/won’t * World Wide Web * worse comes to worse * would have * wrangle/wangle * wrapped/rapt * wreckless * write me * writting * Xmas/Christmas * ya’ll * ye * yea/yeah/yay * ying and yang * yoke/yolk * you can’t have your cake and eat it too * your/you * your guys’s * yourself * your/you’re * youse * you’ve got another thing coming * zeroscape * zero-sum gain * zoology *

Common Errors in English

Common Errors in English Read about the book version of this site. Now available: the 2008 Common Errors in English Usage boxed daily calendar Listen to Paul Brians' interview on the Voice of America Wordmaster program. Click here for the text-only version of this site. Preparing to review or recommend this site? Please read this first. Public presentations by Paul Brians About this Search Engine A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z * 100s * 360 degrees * a/an * A.D. * AM/PM * abject * able to * about * absorbtion * abstruse/obtuse * academia * accede/exceed * accent marks * access * accessory * accept/except * accidently * accurate/precise * acronyms and apostrophes * acrossed * actionable/doable * actual fact/actually * ad/add * ad nauseum * addicting * adapt/adopt * administer/minister * administrate * adultry * advance/advanced * adverse/averse * advice/advise * adviser/advisor * advocate for * aesthetic/ascetic * affect/effect * affluence/effluence * African-American * afterall * afterwards/afterwords * agnostic/atheist * agreeance/agreement * ahold/hold * ain’t * aisle/isle * all * all and all * all be it * all for not * all goes well/augurs well * all of the sudden * all the farther * alleged, allegedly * alliterate/illiterate * alls * allude/elude * allude/refer * allusion/illusion * allusive/elusive/illusive * almost * along the same line * alot * aloud/allowed * already/all ready * alright * altar/alter * alterior * alternate/alternative * altogether/ all together * alumnus/alumni * amature * ambiguous/ambivalent * ambivalent/indifferent * American * amongst/among * amoral/immoral * amount/number * ampitheater * ancestor * and also * and/or * anecdote/antidote * angel/angle * another words * antihero * anxious/eager * any more * anytime * anyways * anywhere * apart/a part * apiece/a piece * apostrophes * appauled * appraise/apprise * apropos/appropriate * around/about * arthuritis * artic * artisanal/artesian * ascribe/subscribe as best as * as far as * as follow * as of yet * as per * as such * as time progressed * ascared * asocial * aspect/respect * assure/ensure/insure * asterick * astrology/astronomy * aswell * at all * ATM machine * athlete * athiest * attain/obtain * attribute/contribute * aural/oral * auger/augur * autobiography/biography * avaidable * avenge/revenge * avocation/vocation * away/a way * awe, shucks * awhile/a while * ax * axel/axle * back/forward/up in time * backslash/slash * backward/backwards * bail/bale * baited breath * baldfaced, boldfaced * ball/bawl * barb wire, bob wire * bare/bear * barter/haggle * base * based around, based off of * basicly * bazaar/bizarre * beat/bead * beaurocracy * beckon call * begs the question * behaviors * being that * belief/believe * belief toward * below table * bemuse * benefactor/beneficiary * beside/besides * better * between * between you and I * beyond the pail * bias/biased * bible * bicep * biweekly/semiweekly * blatant * boarders/borders * bonafied * bored of * born/borne * born out of * borrow/loan * borrow off * both/each * bought/brought * boughten * bounce/bounds * bourgeois * bouyant * brainchild * brake/break * brand names * brang, brung * breach/breech * breath/breathe * bring/take * Britain/Briton * broach/brooch * broke/broken * brunt/butt * brussel sprout * build off of * bullion/bouillon * bully pulpit * bumrush * butt naked * buttox * by/’bye/buy * by far and away * cache/cachet * caddy-corner * call the question * callous/callused * cheese quesadilla * calm, cool, and collective * Calvary/cavalry * can goods * Canadian geese * cannot/can not * canon/cannon * capital/capitol * caramel/carmel * carat/caret/carrot/karat * careen/career * caring * cast in stone * Catch 22 * CD-ROM disk * ceasar * celibate/chaste * celtic * cement/concrete * center around * center of attraction * cents * chai tea * chaise longue * chalk-full * Champaign/Champagne * chauvinist * Check * chemicals * Chicano/Latino/Hispanic * chrispy * chose/choose * chuck/chunk * Church * cite/site/sight * classic/classical * cleanup/clean up * cliché/clichéd * click/clique * close/clothes * close proximity * closed-minded * coarse/course * cold slaw * collaborate/corroborate * collage/college * collective plural * Colombia/Columbia * colons/semicolons * come with * commas * company names with apostrophes * compare and contrast * compare to/compare with * complement/compliment * complementary/complimentary * comprised of * concensus * concerning * concerted effort * conflicted/conflicting feelings * confusionism * congradulations * connote/denote * conscience, conscious, consciousness * conservativism * contaminates/contaminants * continual/continuous * contrary/contrast * contrasts/contrasts with * conversate * copywrite/copyright * core/corps/corpse * costumer/customer * could care less * could of/should of/would of * council/counsel/consul * couple/couple of * cowtow * Crackerjacks * crafts * credible/credulous * crescendo/climax * crevice/crevasse * crick/creek * criteria/criterion * criticism * critique/criticize * croissant * crucifiction * crucifix/cross * cue/queue * currant/current * curve your appetite * cut and dry * cut and paste/copy and paste * cut of tea * damped/dampened * damp squid * dangling and misplaced modifiers * daring-do * data * dateline/deadline * daylight savings time * debrief * deceptively * decimate * deep-seeded * defence * definate * deformation/defamation * defuse/diffuse * degrade/denigrate/downgrade * degree names * deja vu * democrat/democratic * denied of * depends * depreciate/deprecate * derisory/derisive * desert/dessert * deviant/deviate * device/devise * dew/do/doo/due * dialogue/discuss * dieties * differ/vary * different than * dilemma/difficulty * dire straights * disburse/disperse * disc/disk * disconcerning * discreet/discrete * discussed/disgust * disgression * disinterested/uninterested * disrespect * dissemble/disassemble * do respect * do’s and don’ts * doctorial/doctoral * doesn’t supposed to * dolly/handcart * dominate/dominant * done/did * double negatives * doubt that/doubt whether/doubt if * doubtlessly/doubtless * dove/dived * downfall/drawback * drank/drunk * drastic/dramatic * dredge/drudge/trudge * drier/dryer * dribble/drivel * drips and drabs * drive/disk * drug/dragged * dual/duel * duck tape * due to the fact that * dyeing/dying * e.g./i.e. * each * early adapter * earth, moon * easedrop * ecology/environment * economic/economical * ecstatic * ect. * -ed/-t * needs -ed/-ing * efforting * ei/ie * either * either are/either is * eighteen hundreds/nineteenth century * electrocute * elicit/illicit * ellipses * email * embaress * emergent/emergency * emigrate/immigrate * eminent/imminent/immanent * empathy/sympathy * emphasize on * emulate/imitate * end result * enamored by * endemic/epidemic * engine/motor * English/British * enjoy to * enormity/enormousness * enquire/inquire * ensuite * ensure/insure * enthuse * entomology/etymology * envelop/envelope * envious/jealous * enviroment * epic/epoch * epicenter * epigram/epigraph/epitaph/epithet * epitomy * eponymous * error/err * -es * et al. * ethics/morals/morale * ethnic * ever so often * every * every since * everyday * everyone/every one * everytime * evidence to * evoke * exact same * exalt/exult * exasperate/exacerbate * excape/escape * exceptional/exceptionable * excrable * exhileration * exorcise/exercise * exponential * expressed/express * expresso * expresses that/says that * extend/extent * extract revenge * factoid * fair/fare * far be it for me * farther/further * fastly * fatal/fateful * faze/phase * fearful/fearsome * Febuary * feelings for/feelings about * feint/faint * female/woman * 50’s * fiance/fiancee * finalize * fine toothcomb * firey * first annual * firstable * fiscal/physical * fit the bill * fittest * fixing * flair/flare * flak/flack * flaunt/flout * flesh out/flush out * floppy disk/hard disk * flounder/founder * fluke * flys * focus around * followup * font/typeface * foot/feet * footnotes/endnotes * for/fore/four * for all intensive purposes * for free * for goodness’ sakes * for one/for one thing * for sale/on sale * for sell * for sure/sure * forbidding/foreboding/formidable * forceful/forcible/forced * forego/forgo * foresee/forsee * forever/for ever * formally/formerly * forward/forwards * fortuitous/fortunate * foul/fowl * fourty * fowl swoop * framework/groundwork * Frankenstein * frankly * French dip with au jus * freshman/freshmen * from . . . to * from the beginning of time * fully well * fulsome * -fuls/-ful * full proof/foolproof * functionality * furl/furrow * fushia * GP practice * gaff/gaffe * gamut/gauntlet * gander/dander * gaurd * genius * gender * get me * Ghandi * gibe/jibe/jive * gift/give * gig/jig * gild/guild * goal/objective * god * goes * gone/went * gonna * good/well * got/gotten * government * graduate * grammer * gratis/gratuitous * gray/grey * greatful * grevious * grill cheese * grisly/grizzly * group (singular vs. plural) * ground zero * grow * guess who? * gyp * had ought * hadn’t have * hail/hale * hairbrained * hand and hand * handicap/disability * hangar/hanger * hanged/hung * hanging indents * Hanukkah, Chanukah * hardly * hardly never * hardy/hearty * hark/hearken * HIV virus * he don’t * heading/bound * heal/heel * hear/here * hearing-impaired * heavily * heighth * help the problem * hence why * herbs/spices * hero/protagonist * heroin/heroine * highly looked upon/highly regarded * him, her/he, she * Hindi/Hindu * hippie/hippy * hisself * historic/historical * an historic * hoi polloi * hoard/horde * hold your peace/say your piece * hole/whole * holocaust * homophobic * home page * hone in * hors d’oeuvres * how to * hundreds/century * hyphenation * hyphens & dashes * hypocritical * hysterical/hilarious * I me myself * -ic * idea/ideal * if/whether * if not * if I was/if I were * ignorant * Illinois * immaculate conception/virgin birth * impact * impactful * impertinent/irrelevant * imply/infer * in regards to * in route * in spite of/despite * in store * in terms of * in the fact that * in the mist * incase * incent, incentivize * incidences/incidents/instances * incredible * incredulous/incredible * indepth * Indian/Native American * individual * infact * infamous/notorious * infinite * inflammable * influencial * ink pen * input * in route * in shambles * in spite of/despite * insight/incite * install/instill * instances/instants * intend on * intense/intensive * intensifiers * intercession * interment/internment * Internet/intranet * interface * intergrate * intermural/intramural/extramural * interpretate * into/in to * intricate/integral * intrigue * invite/invitation * Iraq * ironically * irregardless * is, is * islams * isn't it, innit * Isreal * issues * itch/scratch * it’s/its * jack/plug * jam/jamb * jerry-built/jury-rigged * Jew/Jewish * jewelry * job titles * John Henry * John Hopkins * joint possessives * judgement * just assume * key * kick-start * kindergarden * koala bear * l/1 * LCD Display * laissez-faire * land lover * languish/luxuriate * large * last name/family name * late/former * later/latter * laundry mat * lay/lie * leach/leech * lead/led * least/lest * leave/let * legend/myth * lense * less/fewer * lessen/lesson * let alone * lets/let’s * liable, libel * liaise * libary * light-year * lighted/lit * like * like for * likker * listserv * “lite” spelling * literally * little own * little to none * lived * loath/loathe * login * logon * lol * long story short * loose/lose * loser/looser * lozenger * lustful/lusty * luxuriant/luxurious * MAC/Mac * macabre * majority are/majority is * majorly * make due * make pretend * mantle/mantel * manufacture * marital/martial * marshall * marshmellow * mash potatoes * mass * masseuse/masseur * mauve * may/might * maybe/may be * me either * mean/median * meantime/meanwhile * medal/metal/meddle/mettle * media * Medieval Ages * mediocre * medium/median * methodology/method * memorium * mfr./mfg. * mic * midrift * might could * might has well * might ought * militate/mitigate * mind of information * miner/minor * minority * minus * minus well * mischievious * misnomer * misplaced stress * mixed-up media * money is no option * mono e mono * moral/morale * morays * more importantly * moreso * most always * motherload * motion/move * Mount Fujiyama * much differently * muchly * mucus/mucous * music/singing * must of * mute point * myriad of * myself * n’ * name, pronoun * nauseated/nauseous * naval/navel * near * neck in neck * needs -ed/-ing * neice * Nevada * nevermind * new lease of life * next, this * next store * nieve * niggard * ninty * nip it in the butt * no sooner when * Noble Prize * none * nonplussed * noone * not * not all * not all that * not hardly * notate/note * notorious * now and days * nuclear * number of verb * numbers * nuptual * O/zero * obsolescent/obsolete * of * of ___’s * offense * often * oggle * OK * old fashion * old-timer’s disease * old wise tale * on accident * on the lamb * on tomorrow * once * once and a while * one of the (singular) * one-dimensional * one in the same * one of the only * ongoingly * online/on line/in line * only * onto/on to * op-ed * open * oppress/repress * oral/verbal * orders of magnitude * ordinance/ordnance * Oregon * organic * oriental * orientate * ostensively * over-exaggerated * oversee/overlook * overtake/take over * page/site * pair (number) * palate/palette/pallet * par excellance * parallel * parallelled/paralleled * parallelism in a series * paralyzation * parameters/perimeters * paramount/tantamount * paranoid * parentheses * parliment * partake/participate * passed/past * past time * pastorial * passive voice * patience/patients * pause for concern * pawn off/palm off * payed/paid * peace/piece * peak/peek/pique * peal out/peel out * peasant/pheasant * pedal/peddle * pedal to the medal * pen/pin * penultimate/next to last * peoples * per * percent, per cent * percent decrease * percipitation * pernickety/persnickety * perogative/prerogative * perpetrate/perpetuate * persay * persecute/prosecute * personal/personnel * personality * perspective/prospective * peruse * perverse/perverted * phenomena/phenomenon * Philippines/Filipinos * physical * picaresque/picturesque * pickup/pick up * picture * PIN number * pinned up * pit in my stomach * pith and vinegar * plain/plane * plays a factor * playwrite * plead innocent * please RSVP * plug-in * plus/add * podium/lectern * poinsetta * poisonous/venomous * point being is that * point in time * point of you * pole/poll * pompom/pompon * poo-poo * populace/populous * pore/pour * possessed of, by, with * practice/practise * practicle * pray/prey * precede/proceed * precedence/precedents * precipitate/precipitous * precurse * predominant/predominate * predominately * preemptory * preferably * prejudice/prejudiced * pre-Madonna * premier/premiere * premise/premises * prepone * prepositions (repeated) * prepositions (wrong) * prescribe/proscribe * presently * pretty * primer * primevil * principal/principle * prioritize * priority * proactive * probably * prodigy, progeny, protégé * proof is in the pudding * prone * pronounciation * prophecy/prophesy * prostate/prostrate * protray * proved/proven * psychologist/psychiatrist/psychotherapist/psychoanalyst * pundint * purposely/purposefully * Q/G * quantum leap * question/ask * queue * the quick and the dead * quiet/quite * quote * quotation marks * RBIs * RPMs * racism * rack/wrack * raise/raze * ran/run * random * rapport * rate of speed * ratio * rational/rationale * rationale/rationalization * ravaging/ravishing/ravenous * recreate * reactionary/reactive * readably * real/really * realtor * reap what you sew * reason because * rebelling/revolting * rebut/refute * recent/resent * rediculous * redo it over * redundancies * reeking havoc * refrain/restrain * refridgerator * refute/reject * regard/regards * regretfully/regrettably * reign/rein * reknown * religion * religion believes * religiosity * reluctant/reticent * remotely close * remuneration/renumeration * reoccurring * repel/repulse * replete/complete * reply back * report into * repungent * request/ask * resignate * resister/resistor * respiratory * respond back * restive * retch/wretch * reticent/hesitant * retrospective/retroactive * return back * revelant * revert/reply * revolve/rotate * revue/review * rhetorical questions * riffle/rifle * right of passage * ring its neck * Rio Grande River * risky/risqué * road to hoe * rob/steal * role/roll * rollover/roll over * romantic * rondezvous * root/rout/route * rouge/rogue * rubbage * Rueben * ruff * rye/wry * sacred/scared * sacreligious * safety deposit box * sail/sale/sell * salsa sauce * same difference * sarcastic/ironic * satellite * say/tell * sceptic/skeptic * schizophrenic * sci-fi * scone/sconce * Scotch * scotch free * scrapegoat * sea change * seam/seem * second of all * seen/saw * segway * select/selected * self-worth * sense/since * sensual/sensuous * sentence fragments * sergeant of arms * service/serve * set/sit * setup/set up * shall/will * shear/sheer * sheath/sheaf * sherbert * shimmy/shinny * shoe-in * shook/shaken * shrunk/shrank * shutter to think * sick/sic * Sierra Nevada Mountains * signaled out * silicon/silicone * simplistic * single quotes * sister-in-laws * skiddish * slight of hand * slog it out * slow gin * sluff off * snuck * so/very * so fun * soar/sore * social/societal * sojourn/journey * sole/soul * sometime/some time * somewhat of a * song/work or composition * sooner * sooner than later * sort after * sort of * soup du jour of the day * sour grapes * sowcow * spaces after a period * spaded/spayed * span * spare of the moment * specially/especially * specie/species * spicket * spiritualism * spoke/said * spree * squash/quash * staid/stayed * stalactites/stalagmites * stand/stance * states/countries * stationary/stationery * statue of limitations * steep learning curve * step foot * stereo * stint/stent * stock and trade * stomp * straight/strait * straightjacket * straight-laced * stress on * stricken/struck * strong suite * submittal/submission * substance-free * substitute with * suffer with * suit/suite * sulking/skulking * summary/summery * suped up * supercede * supposably, supposingly, supposively * suppose to * supremist * suspect/suspicious * surfing the Internet * swam/swum * table * tad bit * take a different tact * taken back/taken aback * tattle-tail * taught/taut * taunt/taut/tout * tenant/tenet * tender hooks * tentative * than/then * thanks God * thankyou * that/than * that/which * that kind * theirselves * them * theory * there’s * they’re/their/there * therefor/therefore * these are them * these kind * these ones * they/their (singular) * think on * though/thought/through * threw/through * throne/thrown * through a mirror, darkly * throws of passion * thusfar * thusly * tick/tic * timber/timbre * time period * times smaller * tirimisù * today’s day and age * to/too/two * toe-headed * to home * to the manor born * to where * today’s modern society * tolled/told * tooken/took/taken * tounge * tongue and cheek * torturous/tortuous * touch bases * tow the line * toward/towards * track home * tradegy * tragedy/travesty * transition * trite and true * troop/troupe * try and * tussled/tousled * two to tangle * UFO * ugly American * The Ukraine * unconscience * under the guise that * undermind * under weigh * underestimated * underlining * undo/undue * undoubtably * unkept * University of Indiana * unrest * unthaw * untracked * upmost * upto * urine analysis * use/usage * use to * used to could * utilize * vague reference * vain/vane/vein * various * vary/very * veil of tears * vendor * veracious/voracious * verbage * verb tense * verse/play against * verses/versus * very unique * vicious/viscous circle/cycle * video * vinegarette * vintage point * virii * vitae * viola/voila * volumptuous * wail/whale * wait on * walk the talk * wander/wonder * warmongerer * warrantee/warranty * wary/weary/leery * was/were * wash * wax * way * ways * weak/week * weather/wether/whether * weather forecast calls for * weiner * Wensday * went/gone * we’re/were * were/where * wet your appetite * whacky/wacky * what * wheat * wheelbarrel * whenever/when * whereabouts are * where it’s at * wherefore * whether/whether or not * whilst/while * whim and a prayer * whimp * whip cream * whisky/whiskey * who/whom * who’s/whose * a whole ’nother * whole-hardily * whose-ever * wile away * -wise * within/among * woman/women * wonderkind * wont/won’t * World Wide Web * worse comes to worse * would have * wrangle/wangle * wrapped/rapt * wreckless * write me * writting * Xmas/Christmas * ya’ll * ye * yea/yeah/yay * ying and yang * yoke/yolk * you can’t have your cake and eat it too * your/you * your guys’s * yourself * your/you’re * youse * you’ve got another thing coming * zeroscape * zero-sum gain * zoology *

Wednesday, August 27, 2008



Hero TV to hold voice acting seminar

Hero TV to hold voice acting seminar

TO MAKE bigger impacts on the lives of kids and teens, Hero TV in partnership with B6TagCo brings another fun-filled and educational event dubbed "Abracadubbers: A Voice-Acting Symposium."

Aiming to celebrate "Buwan Ng Wika" in the light of voice acting or dubbing, highlighting the dynamism of the Filipino language, the seminar presents activities that provide voice talent development and enhancement, which may lead to a possible career option.

Visit the Beijing Olympics 2008 blog

Youth will also be encouraged to love one's language and appreciate voice acting as an art.

Students from different schools and universities will be the "learners" in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Who better to serve as guest speakers than some of the most well-known and considered "institutions" in the voice acting or dubbing industry and who are working both as dubbing directors and dubbers in major networks?

They are Danny Mandia, Jeff Utanes, Alex Agcaoili, and Pocholo Gonzalez. From telenovelas to anime shows, they are some of the most sought-after talents in the industry.

Some of the highlights in the symposium include a short theater play, depicting one of the scenes in "Inuyasha" - an anime program, which introduces the main topic of the symposium.

The history, the basics, the processes involved, and the opportunities that go with voice acting will be discussed during the symposium.

This seminar will be held on August 27 to 28 at Cinema 6 of SM North Edsa from 1 to 7 p.m., with a post-telecast on Hero TV on Skycable Channel 44. (JRDB/Sunnex) 

Hero TV to hold voice acting seminar

Hero TV to hold voice acting seminar

TO MAKE bigger impacts on the lives of kids and teens, Hero TV in partnership with B6TagCo brings another fun-filled and educational event dubbed "Abracadubbers: A Voice-Acting Symposium."

Aiming to celebrate "Buwan Ng Wika" in the light of voice acting or dubbing, highlighting the dynamism of the Filipino language, the seminar presents activities that provide voice talent development and enhancement, which may lead to a possible career option.

Visit the Beijing Olympics 2008 blog

Youth will also be encouraged to love one's language and appreciate voice acting as an art.

Students from different schools and universities will be the "learners" in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Who better to serve as guest speakers than some of the most well-known and considered "institutions" in the voice acting or dubbing industry and who are working both as dubbing directors and dubbers in major networks?

They are Danny Mandia, Jeff Utanes, Alex Agcaoili, and Pocholo Gonzalez. From telenovelas to anime shows, they are some of the most sought-after talents in the industry.

Some of the highlights in the symposium include a short theater play, depicting one of the scenes in "Inuyasha" - an anime program, which introduces the main topic of the symposium.

The history, the basics, the processes involved, and the opportunities that go with voice acting will be discussed during the symposium.

This seminar will be held on August 27 to 28 at Cinema 6 of SM North Edsa from 1 to 7 p.m., with a post-telecast on Hero TV on Skycable Channel 44. (JRDB/Sunnex) 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Press Release Writing - Tips to Write a Press Release

Press Release Writing - Tips to Write a Press Release 1. Start strong: Your title and initial lines should briefly and directly convey what you want to say. Include the "who, what, where, when and why" in the lead of your press release. The remaining part of your press release should include supporting facts and examples. 2. Make it easy for the media: Some media agencies and journalists will grab your press release and carry it in their publications with slight editing or no alteration. But even if it's not used word for word, journalists may use it as fodder for other stories or to create their own story ideas. The more information and details you include, the less work the media has to do. 3. Think like the reader: Your press release should be able to keep the reader's interest. Put yourself in the reader's shoes. Would you want to read your press release? 4. Make it relevant: Try to point out real examples to support the message you want to communicate. Show why your information is important and how it benefits the reader. If your release isn't newsworthy, don't expect anyone to read it. 5. Support your story with real facts: Facts make your point stronger and tell the journalist you've already done much of the research for them. If you pull facts from other sources, make sure you attribute them. Avoid fluff and add-ons. And never make anything up. If content seems too good to be true, tone it down or you could hurt your credibility. 6. Be concise: Avoid using superfluous adjectives, extravagant language, or unnecessary clichés. Get to the point and tell your story as directly as possible. 7. Avoid industry jargon: The harder your press release is to understand for journalists and laymen, the less likely it is to be picked up. A limited use of industry terminology is ok, if you're trying to optimize the news release for internet search engines. 8. Avoid exclamation points: The use of exclamation points may hurt your credibility by creating unnecessary hype. However, if you have to use an exclamation point, use only one! Not several!!! 9. Get permission: Companies can be defensive about their name and image. Get written permission before including information or quotes from officials or associates of other companies/organizations. 10. Include company information: The press release should conclude with a short description of your company, including where your company is based, what products and service it provides and a brief history If you are creating a press release for more than one company, provide information for all the companies at the end of the release. Also include contact information, both phone number and e-mail, for each company's spokesperson.

Press Release Writing - Tips to Write a Press Release

Press Release Writing - Tips to Write a Press Release 1. Start strong: Your title and initial lines should briefly and directly convey what you want to say. Include the "who, what, where, when and why" in the lead of your press release. The remaining part of your press release should include supporting facts and examples. 2. Make it easy for the media: Some media agencies and journalists will grab your press release and carry it in their publications with slight editing or no alteration. But even if it's not used word for word, journalists may use it as fodder for other stories or to create their own story ideas. The more information and details you include, the less work the media has to do. 3. Think like the reader: Your press release should be able to keep the reader's interest. Put yourself in the reader's shoes. Would you want to read your press release? 4. Make it relevant: Try to point out real examples to support the message you want to communicate. Show why your information is important and how it benefits the reader. If your release isn't newsworthy, don't expect anyone to read it. 5. Support your story with real facts: Facts make your point stronger and tell the journalist you've already done much of the research for them. If you pull facts from other sources, make sure you attribute them. Avoid fluff and add-ons. And never make anything up. If content seems too good to be true, tone it down or you could hurt your credibility. 6. Be concise: Avoid using superfluous adjectives, extravagant language, or unnecessary clichés. Get to the point and tell your story as directly as possible. 7. Avoid industry jargon: The harder your press release is to understand for journalists and laymen, the less likely it is to be picked up. A limited use of industry terminology is ok, if you're trying to optimize the news release for internet search engines. 8. Avoid exclamation points: The use of exclamation points may hurt your credibility by creating unnecessary hype. However, if you have to use an exclamation point, use only one! Not several!!! 9. Get permission: Companies can be defensive about their name and image. Get written permission before including information or quotes from officials or associates of other companies/organizations. 10. Include company information: The press release should conclude with a short description of your company, including where your company is based, what products and service it provides and a brief history If you are creating a press release for more than one company, provide information for all the companies at the end of the release. Also include contact information, both phone number and e-mail, for each company's spokesperson.

The eagles that fly

In the past columns I have stated that the price of oil and commodities will drop, and all of these are cyclical. Likewise, they have a correlation to the strength of the dollar.

This week we have seen oil dropping now to $113 levels from a high of $146, and commodities have come down a lot. I go back to PGMA's speech in the SONA and the rationale why we should not adjust the VAT on oil. High gasoline prices due to high crude oil price will force a lifestyle change that will reduce demand for oil products, while the situation leads to greater investments in alternative fuels. This will even push for the implementation of more efficient mass transport systems that will entice people not to use their cars to save gas and instead use the mass transport systems. The LRT extensions and Northrail projects will cut down travel time and cost to the provinces north of Manila.

The whole world adjusts to high prices by changing how they commute, either through the use of smaller cars or through mass transport. Likewise, a slowing world demand for oil can easily trigger a reaction in oil futures market, thus we see a quick reduction in oil price levels.

This leads to my last week's column entitled "Why ducks quack and eagles fly". This story is not mine, but was passed on to me through email. We received so much positive feedback on this column, which is quite encouraging. Hopefully, more and more Filipinos will see that those who succeed in life are those who don't keep complaining about life, about issues with government, but those who do something about their own lives. It is all about taking control of one's destiny and how one can really be the best in what he does as this winning attitude does lead to something great.

Last Friday - 08/08/08, I received an invitation to attend Vicki Belo's masquerade event. It was her 18th anniversary. Vicki is a very supportive Go Negosyo advocate, who has been an inspiration to a lot of 'would-be' entrepreneurs. But, I had to beg off attending her event as I could not see myself wearing a masquerade costume. I will never hear the end of it from family and friends. But I congratulated Vicki for all her remarkable successes. I was told that the Friday's event was also successful and not surprisingly star-studded with all the 'who's who' in showbiz. We salute Vicki as she shares her achievements with other people, as she inspires and motivates a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs. She also launched the Ike and Nena Belo Foundation, named after her parents. Her foundation aims to help people with cleft palettes, burn victims, and other patients who truly need her help.

Meantime, the Gawad Kalinga event last Friday was also a huge success, where thousands of supporters attended the affair at the NBC tent. It was a gathering to launch "The Best for the Least" project. Tony Meloto and I have been working together in helping each other's advocacy to move to greater heights, as we share the vision that Filipinos should not lose hope on a bright future for this country.

Tony and Mayor Freddie Tinga launched the GK Designer Village, where in the best architects were commissioned to do impressive designs for GK housing projects. Truly the "best for the least", it was a great idea. Finally, we now see a mayor championing this cause. While Taguig has benefited from the boom of commercial residences and office condominiums, Freddie is making sure Taguig becomes a first class city with modern equipment for security. They have installed infrared cameras located all over the city. A public school that caters to the brightest kids of Taguig was also located in Mckinley Hills.

Likewise, Gov. Lray Villafuerte of Camarines Sur, a Go Negosyo trustee, is equally dynamic and a leader with a good vision as he put up the most number of GK villages in his home province Camarines Sur. A GK bed and breakfast is his latest project. Lray and his wife started a business called Lara's Gifts and Decors, which is a big exporter of handicrafts and the like.

During Freddie's speech, he talked about pagbabago ng pag-isisip - having a positive outlook and taking control of one's destiny. These are the same principles why I started Go Negosyo with fellow entrepreneurs. The duck and eagle story basically shows that we need more eagles in this country. We need more people who see solutions to problems and find opportunities in crisis. I am a La Sallite, but somehow I see the relevance of keeping our school away from politics and issues. While I love my school - La Salle, where I studied from grade school to college, I do not agree that the new set of brothers should be seen in events which are political in nature. We need a country of eagles who will fly.

Go Negosyo, Gawad Kalinga and enterprising local government officials who want to see a better negosyo climate and housing for the poor in their area is what will bring a Pagbabago. As my father, Joecon, also advocated years ago, we should have an 'isip-agila'.

We have received overwhelming response from readers of last week's column. Here are some of their comments:

"Halu.Tnx 4 sharing a gr8 story re ducks and eagle. M sure Filipinos öne day cn hav dat perspectiv by ur cnsistent advocacy then we cn make our country gr8! mor power!" (+639228157086)

"Thank u so much 4 d article. Dis was d sermon of Bishop Mercado 2 wks ago. I hope d opposions n d leftist read ur column again thank u" (+639178534502)

"I have read ur column today bout ducks and eagles and i am so hapy and very much inspired continue sharing this and soon ther wil be mor wally in this world. Like me and u. Godbless! Keep going and keep on inspiring people! Jon" (09284700075) "ur artcle 2day s truly inspiring n tru. wish mre filipinos cud b lyk eagles! ... i alwys luk 4wrd 2 readng ur artcl evryday. kudos! - ceny" (+639179150121)

"Thank you sir Joey for sharing "While ducks quack and eagles fly" column of yours today. It is a positive outlook and eagle soaring up high a very encouraging story worthy of emulation! Sir JOEY your entrepreneurial skills and success of your endeavors as entrepreneur is a good example that inspire people to Go Negosyo plus other successful individual featured and not yet featured in your very nice column in The STAR. Before during my elementary days in school "Work is the core of the curriculum" that was in the 70's i supposed now "Negosyo" must be the core of the curriculum in schools! Salamat po! I always follow your column and i am already inspired and made mine ginagmay(a little bit) lang muna." (+639063100370)

"Sir Im real estate agent ur colum makes m realize not 2 b like a duck but b an eagle dat fly tnx now Im flying HIGH" (+639183384453)

"Hi Mr Concepcion. Dis is chickie locsin of KPMG. Ur col 2day ws truly inspirng. U r doing more good than u know!" (+639175295023)

"Great column today! I agree that people should look at the problems as great opportunities... Having to look at the country w glasses half full should always be the case. The ducks and the eagles story is very simple and easy to remembr therefore easy to share. Have a great day! Thanks for inspiring me today! -rochee" (+639177906744)

"Thanks for the wonderful story." -Bryan Villaroman

* * *

As we continue to spread positive entrepreneurial attitude, we completed our third Teen Negosyo event, with the Department of Education. Its Center for Education and Co-Curricular Affairs Director Joey Pelaez and his team, again, tirelessly gathered the youth from all over the Philippines. About 1,500 high school students and educators filled the Teachers Camp in Baguio City from July 26 to 30, to take advantage of the good program and expo we have prepared with our partners.

We thank the Department of Trade and Industry Philippine Trade Training Center, The Master's Lighthouse Foundation, Entrepreneurs School of Asia, our Go Negosyo advocates who unselfishly shared their expertise: Dean Francisco Lapid, Ping Sotto, Palou Abustan, Chris Tan, Arlene Onte, Dennis Balajadia, Paulo Tibig, Michelle Asence, Eric Papa, Narda Capuyan, Alvin Tan, Lloyd Luna, Ray Gapuz, Crystalle Henares, Pocholo Gonzales and Pia Gutierrez. Thanks to DepEd Undersecretary Ramon Bacani, Atty. Buboy Sotto, DTI - PTTC's Beth Manuel and Joey Urmeneta, DTI-CAR Division Chief Remy Magno, and Anthony Pangilinan.

One of the Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines, Richardson Navor, an Accountancy - Magna Cum Laude fresh graduate from the University of the East, shared his inspirational story. We also recognized Most Inspiring CAR Entrepreneurs with sustainable Negosyos despite their extreme challenges earlier in life. Awardees were endorsed by the Department of Trade and Industry CAR Director Carmelita Usman, Department of Agriculture USec Doy Salacup, Baguio-Benguet Community Credit Cooperative, and Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation.

* * *

The eagles that fly

In the past columns I have stated that the price of oil and commodities will drop, and all of these are cyclical. Likewise, they have a correlation to the strength of the dollar.

This week we have seen oil dropping now to $113 levels from a high of $146, and commodities have come down a lot. I go back to PGMA's speech in the SONA and the rationale why we should not adjust the VAT on oil. High gasoline prices due to high crude oil price will force a lifestyle change that will reduce demand for oil products, while the situation leads to greater investments in alternative fuels. This will even push for the implementation of more efficient mass transport systems that will entice people not to use their cars to save gas and instead use the mass transport systems. The LRT extensions and Northrail projects will cut down travel time and cost to the provinces north of Manila.

The whole world adjusts to high prices by changing how they commute, either through the use of smaller cars or through mass transport. Likewise, a slowing world demand for oil can easily trigger a reaction in oil futures market, thus we see a quick reduction in oil price levels.

This leads to my last week's column entitled "Why ducks quack and eagles fly". This story is not mine, but was passed on to me through email. We received so much positive feedback on this column, which is quite encouraging. Hopefully, more and more Filipinos will see that those who succeed in life are those who don't keep complaining about life, about issues with government, but those who do something about their own lives. It is all about taking control of one's destiny and how one can really be the best in what he does as this winning attitude does lead to something great.

Last Friday - 08/08/08, I received an invitation to attend Vicki Belo's masquerade event. It was her 18th anniversary. Vicki is a very supportive Go Negosyo advocate, who has been an inspiration to a lot of 'would-be' entrepreneurs. But, I had to beg off attending her event as I could not see myself wearing a masquerade costume. I will never hear the end of it from family and friends. But I congratulated Vicki for all her remarkable successes. I was told that the Friday's event was also successful and not surprisingly star-studded with all the 'who's who' in showbiz. We salute Vicki as she shares her achievements with other people, as she inspires and motivates a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs. She also launched the Ike and Nena Belo Foundation, named after her parents. Her foundation aims to help people with cleft palettes, burn victims, and other patients who truly need her help.

Meantime, the Gawad Kalinga event last Friday was also a huge success, where thousands of supporters attended the affair at the NBC tent. It was a gathering to launch "The Best for the Least" project. Tony Meloto and I have been working together in helping each other's advocacy to move to greater heights, as we share the vision that Filipinos should not lose hope on a bright future for this country.

Tony and Mayor Freddie Tinga launched the GK Designer Village, where in the best architects were commissioned to do impressive designs for GK housing projects. Truly the "best for the least", it was a great idea. Finally, we now see a mayor championing this cause. While Taguig has benefited from the boom of commercial residences and office condominiums, Freddie is making sure Taguig becomes a first class city with modern equipment for security. They have installed infrared cameras located all over the city. A public school that caters to the brightest kids of Taguig was also located in Mckinley Hills.

Likewise, Gov. Lray Villafuerte of Camarines Sur, a Go Negosyo trustee, is equally dynamic and a leader with a good vision as he put up the most number of GK villages in his home province Camarines Sur. A GK bed and breakfast is his latest project. Lray and his wife started a business called Lara's Gifts and Decors, which is a big exporter of handicrafts and the like.

During Freddie's speech, he talked about pagbabago ng pag-isisip - having a positive outlook and taking control of one's destiny. These are the same principles why I started Go Negosyo with fellow entrepreneurs. The duck and eagle story basically shows that we need more eagles in this country. We need more people who see solutions to problems and find opportunities in crisis. I am a La Sallite, but somehow I see the relevance of keeping our school away from politics and issues. While I love my school - La Salle, where I studied from grade school to college, I do not agree that the new set of brothers should be seen in events which are political in nature. We need a country of eagles who will fly.

Go Negosyo, Gawad Kalinga and enterprising local government officials who want to see a better negosyo climate and housing for the poor in their area is what will bring a Pagbabago. As my father, Joecon, also advocated years ago, we should have an 'isip-agila'.

We have received overwhelming response from readers of last week's column. Here are some of their comments:

"Halu.Tnx 4 sharing a gr8 story re ducks and eagle. M sure Filipinos öne day cn hav dat perspectiv by ur cnsistent advocacy then we cn make our country gr8! mor power!" (+639228157086)

"Thank u so much 4 d article. Dis was d sermon of Bishop Mercado 2 wks ago. I hope d opposions n d leftist read ur column again thank u" (+639178534502)

"I have read ur column today bout ducks and eagles and i am so hapy and very much inspired continue sharing this and soon ther wil be mor wally in this world. Like me and u. Godbless! Keep going and keep on inspiring people! Jon" (09284700075) "ur artcle 2day s truly inspiring n tru. wish mre filipinos cud b lyk eagles! ... i alwys luk 4wrd 2 readng ur artcl evryday. kudos! - ceny" (+639179150121)

"Thank you sir Joey for sharing "While ducks quack and eagles fly" column of yours today. It is a positive outlook and eagle soaring up high a very encouraging story worthy of emulation! Sir JOEY your entrepreneurial skills and success of your endeavors as entrepreneur is a good example that inspire people to Go Negosyo plus other successful individual featured and not yet featured in your very nice column in The STAR. Before during my elementary days in school "Work is the core of the curriculum" that was in the 70's i supposed now "Negosyo" must be the core of the curriculum in schools! Salamat po! I always follow your column and i am already inspired and made mine ginagmay(a little bit) lang muna." (+639063100370)

"Sir Im real estate agent ur colum makes m realize not 2 b like a duck but b an eagle dat fly tnx now Im flying HIGH" (+639183384453)

"Hi Mr Concepcion. Dis is chickie locsin of KPMG. Ur col 2day ws truly inspirng. U r doing more good than u know!" (+639175295023)

"Great column today! I agree that people should look at the problems as great opportunities... Having to look at the country w glasses half full should always be the case. The ducks and the eagles story is very simple and easy to remembr therefore easy to share. Have a great day! Thanks for inspiring me today! -rochee" (+639177906744)

"Thanks for the wonderful story." -Bryan Villaroman

* * *

As we continue to spread positive entrepreneurial attitude, we completed our third Teen Negosyo event, with the Department of Education. Its Center for Education and Co-Curricular Affairs Director Joey Pelaez and his team, again, tirelessly gathered the youth from all over the Philippines. About 1,500 high school students and educators filled the Teachers Camp in Baguio City from July 26 to 30, to take advantage of the good program and expo we have prepared with our partners.

We thank the Department of Trade and Industry Philippine Trade Training Center, The Master's Lighthouse Foundation, Entrepreneurs School of Asia, our Go Negosyo advocates who unselfishly shared their expertise: Dean Francisco Lapid, Ping Sotto, Palou Abustan, Chris Tan, Arlene Onte, Dennis Balajadia, Paulo Tibig, Michelle Asence, Eric Papa, Narda Capuyan, Alvin Tan, Lloyd Luna, Ray Gapuz, Crystalle Henares, Pocholo Gonzales and Pia Gutierrez. Thanks to DepEd Undersecretary Ramon Bacani, Atty. Buboy Sotto, DTI - PTTC's Beth Manuel and Joey Urmeneta, DTI-CAR Division Chief Remy Magno, and Anthony Pangilinan.

One of the Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines, Richardson Navor, an Accountancy - Magna Cum Laude fresh graduate from the University of the East, shared his inspirational story. We also recognized Most Inspiring CAR Entrepreneurs with sustainable Negosyos despite their extreme challenges earlier in life. Awardees were endorsed by the Department of Trade and Industry CAR Director Carmelita Usman, Department of Agriculture USec Doy Salacup, Baguio-Benguet Community Credit Cooperative, and Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation.

* * *

‘The best form of flattery’

‘The best form of flattery’

By Willie Nepomuceno

Impersonation, impression, mimicry. Whatever you call it, it is one of the most popular forms of comedy regularly seen in the entertainment capitals of the world. Actors doing impressions are a regular act in comedy clubs, stage, radio and TV around the world.

Impersonations vary in form and style, from theatrical to political and social satire, to pure entertainment. It has always been synonymous with freedom of expression and speech. Jay Leno and David Letterman will have a lot of “standing up” to do when they hear about the anti-mimicking bill in Congress.

The most popular in this genre are the great American impressionists Frank Gorshin, Rich Little, Dana Carvey, Danny Gans and Vaughn Meader.

An impressionist or impersonator uses his body and voice to capture the essence of a person or a character in a skit or a monologue. Changing his voice, putting on an accent or using body mannerisms, he tells a story or a joke in a situation involving his subject. Vocal mimicry is important to replicate or simulate the voice, accent, vocal intonation or speech mannerism of the subject. Costumes and props could help.

All for fun. All of the above become illegal only when used to commit a crime, such as impersonating a police officer or mimicking a voice in the commission of a criminal activity. There is a law against this criminal act.

An impressionist apes celebrities to entertain. A lot of training, research, technique and discipline go into the process. It is not a skill that anyone can simply learn in school but calls for a special gift and a special talent. It is an art form. No wonder, someone said that mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery.

When you see me do an impression of former President Estrada, I do not mean to ridicule Erap or his mannerisms or way of speaking. I am doing the mimicry to comment on an issue or recall an event that involves his past, particularly the more interesting parts.

An actor portraying a subject uses all the elements of acting, including speech pattern, manner of dressing, mannerisms, etc., to complete the characterization. It helps when the subject has certain physical attributes, such as a mustache, a beer belly or enormous ears. If the subject wears eyeglasses or is a smoker, the impressionist will surely capitalize on these elements.

So that when an actor doing Sergio Apostol approaches the stand to cross- examine “your wetness” or Ben Abalos endorsing his delicious “burjer” or Boy Herrera lobbying for “Es-Is-Eys” (SSS) benefits, it doesn’t mean that he is ridiculing a regional accent but is simply recalling the verbal gaffe associated with the subject. Didn’t they sound funny, if not confusing, the first time you heard them?

I have nothing against the other provisions of the bill filed by Rep. Faysah-Racman Dumarpa. Racial slur and discrimination, indeed, should not be tolerated in a civil society. We should even go further to protest the discriminatory portrayal on TV, radio and movies of gays, the elderly, the disabled, the poor and “illegitimate” offsprings.

However, the provision criminalizing mimicry presents a multitude of gray areas very similar to the libel law.

I feel the congresswoman is barking up the wrong tree. I’d rather that the “cultural and religious discrepancies” be addressed by the Department of Education to create greater respect for religion and culture. The students should be made aware of the diversity and significance of different religious beliefs and traditions in a society.

A law will not solve the perceived discrimination. We know that in this country, there’s usually nothing wrong with the spirit of a law but how it is interpreted and implemented. Many Philippine laws are simply punitive. For example, when a crime occurs in a subdivision, the homeowners are the ones subjected to searches at the checkpoint and are forced to buy stickers for their “safety.”

 I’m afraid if the Dumarpa bill becomes a law, it may just be another vehicle for suppression similar to the anti-subversion act and similar laws.

A law should not scare people but protect them. Sure, we all need discipline. Of course, ignorance of the law excuses no one. But punishment alone will not reduce crime if there are no serious efforts to educate the citizenry (actually, make them understand and appreciate) on the social impact of discrimination.

We need laws to have peace and order. But this should not be interpreted like one of my characters who has a funny idea of achieving peace and order—“because of my ORDER, the criminals are now in PEACE.” Fairness and justice are still the essence of a law.

Willie Nepomuceno is the best impressionist in the business. A multi-awarded performer, he is a Fine Arts graduate of the University of the Philippines, a four-term board member of the UP Fine Arts Alumni Foundation and a former board member of the Barasoain Kalinangan Foundation, a community theater group. He has traveled all over the Philippines and the world to entertain audiences with his gift for mimicry. Willie Nep is so good at doing impressions that President Marcos reportedly told associates and friends to be on guard against callers that sounded like him because “it could be that guy Willie Nepomuceno!”

‘The best form of flattery’

‘The best form of flattery’

By Willie Nepomuceno

Impersonation, impression, mimicry. Whatever you call it, it is one of the most popular forms of comedy regularly seen in the entertainment capitals of the world. Actors doing impressions are a regular act in comedy clubs, stage, radio and TV around the world.

Impersonations vary in form and style, from theatrical to political and social satire, to pure entertainment. It has always been synonymous with freedom of expression and speech. Jay Leno and David Letterman will have a lot of “standing up” to do when they hear about the anti-mimicking bill in Congress.

The most popular in this genre are the great American impressionists Frank Gorshin, Rich Little, Dana Carvey, Danny Gans and Vaughn Meader.

An impressionist or impersonator uses his body and voice to capture the essence of a person or a character in a skit or a monologue. Changing his voice, putting on an accent or using body mannerisms, he tells a story or a joke in a situation involving his subject. Vocal mimicry is important to replicate or simulate the voice, accent, vocal intonation or speech mannerism of the subject. Costumes and props could help.

All for fun. All of the above become illegal only when used to commit a crime, such as impersonating a police officer or mimicking a voice in the commission of a criminal activity. There is a law against this criminal act.

An impressionist apes celebrities to entertain. A lot of training, research, technique and discipline go into the process. It is not a skill that anyone can simply learn in school but calls for a special gift and a special talent. It is an art form. No wonder, someone said that mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery.

When you see me do an impression of former President Estrada, I do not mean to ridicule Erap or his mannerisms or way of speaking. I am doing the mimicry to comment on an issue or recall an event that involves his past, particularly the more interesting parts.

An actor portraying a subject uses all the elements of acting, including speech pattern, manner of dressing, mannerisms, etc., to complete the characterization. It helps when the subject has certain physical attributes, such as a mustache, a beer belly or enormous ears. If the subject wears eyeglasses or is a smoker, the impressionist will surely capitalize on these elements.

So that when an actor doing Sergio Apostol approaches the stand to cross- examine “your wetness” or Ben Abalos endorsing his delicious “burjer” or Boy Herrera lobbying for “Es-Is-Eys” (SSS) benefits, it doesn’t mean that he is ridiculing a regional accent but is simply recalling the verbal gaffe associated with the subject. Didn’t they sound funny, if not confusing, the first time you heard them?

I have nothing against the other provisions of the bill filed by Rep. Faysah-Racman Dumarpa. Racial slur and discrimination, indeed, should not be tolerated in a civil society. We should even go further to protest the discriminatory portrayal on TV, radio and movies of gays, the elderly, the disabled, the poor and “illegitimate” offsprings.

However, the provision criminalizing mimicry presents a multitude of gray areas very similar to the libel law.

I feel the congresswoman is barking up the wrong tree. I’d rather that the “cultural and religious discrepancies” be addressed by the Department of Education to create greater respect for religion and culture. The students should be made aware of the diversity and significance of different religious beliefs and traditions in a society.

A law will not solve the perceived discrimination. We know that in this country, there’s usually nothing wrong with the spirit of a law but how it is interpreted and implemented. Many Philippine laws are simply punitive. For example, when a crime occurs in a subdivision, the homeowners are the ones subjected to searches at the checkpoint and are forced to buy stickers for their “safety.”

 I’m afraid if the Dumarpa bill becomes a law, it may just be another vehicle for suppression similar to the anti-subversion act and similar laws.

A law should not scare people but protect them. Sure, we all need discipline. Of course, ignorance of the law excuses no one. But punishment alone will not reduce crime if there are no serious efforts to educate the citizenry (actually, make them understand and appreciate) on the social impact of discrimination.

We need laws to have peace and order. But this should not be interpreted like one of my characters who has a funny idea of achieving peace and order—“because of my ORDER, the criminals are now in PEACE.” Fairness and justice are still the essence of a law.

Willie Nepomuceno is the best impressionist in the business. A multi-awarded performer, he is a Fine Arts graduate of the University of the Philippines, a four-term board member of the UP Fine Arts Alumni Foundation and a former board member of the Barasoain Kalinangan Foundation, a community theater group. He has traveled all over the Philippines and the world to entertain audiences with his gift for mimicry. Willie Nep is so good at doing impressions that President Marcos reportedly told associates and friends to be on guard against callers that sounded like him because “it could be that guy Willie Nepomuceno!”

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Breaking Into and Succeeding as a Voice Over Actor

Voice Over Actor

Breaking Into and Succeeding as a Voice Over Actor
Starting a Voice Over Studio
Working as a Voice Over Actor at Home

One of the biggest misconceptions about voice over acting is what we like to call the myth of the Golden Voice. Do you have to sound hugely resonant and deep like James Earl Jones, or authoritative like Don LaFontaine to make money in voice over acting? As a matter of fact, you do not.  

There are many facets of the voice over acting career where, for example, a person with a distinctive voice can create a career, or where someone who finds it a snap to sound as if they are in a casual conversation when reading a script can carve a recurring market for their voice.

 A “golden voice” is absolutely not essential when pursuing your future in voice over acting.  Another common fallacy associated with a career in voice over acting is that a lack of a background in professional acting can harm your chances for a future. Not true! While some acting ability is a helpful and marketable talent to have, it is absolutely not a deal breaker. 

Acting experience is something you can pursue over time to enhance your current ability to read a script, be expressive with your voice, and make your success as a voice over actor soar. 

What if you have never worked in radio or television – does that prevent your future in voice over acting from happening? Absolutely not! Every voice over actor has to start somewhere. 

Those voice over actors with names you recognize started out with no experience, the same as you are. Experience is something you have to go out and create for yourself; it is not an insurmountable obstacle. It is a simple hurdle that every aspiring voice over actor must jump at some point to get their career off the ground.

Do you live in a small town or a rural area? Are you afraid that voice over acting will require you to relocate to a larger city, or to a major entertainment hub city such as Los Angles or New York? That is patently untrue because voice over acting is a career you can build right from your own home, wherever that may be. 

A rural or small town location can be easily overcome with the advent of modern technology, allowing you to set up a home studio, record your voice and market your self, all without having to leave the comfort of your own backyard.

So, what's voice over work (or acting)?

Any time you hear a person’s voice without seeing the actor, you are witnessing voice over work. Not all voice over work is considered voice over acting, however although your market as a professional (especially when you are first establishing your name as a viable voice over actor) will certainly include some basic voice over work. 

To be what is typically considered a voice over actor you need to be able to create a character for your project or product that you can sustain with your voice alone for the entire time you have your listeners’ attention. As a voice over actor, you can choose to use your own home studio, rent one or work at your client's premises, such as: 

  • Production houses (videos, commercials and films)

  • Corporations (training videos or audios)

  • Book publishers (audiobooks and info products)

  • Radio stations (announcers, commercials and radio shows)

  • Educational institutions (teaching new talents)

  • Software companies (video game effects)

As a voice actor, you don't need to educated at an Ivy League school, not even at a community college, which is the beauty of this career. You can also work from home by using portable equipments and can easily set up a home studio. All you need is some vocal coaching and, perhaps, attending some vocal acting workshops. Reliable equipments would help as well.

The key is choosing the right "specialization" for your particular voice and acting talent (if you choose the "acting" path). 

Today, breaking into as a voice over actor is easier than before. With sufficient preparation on what you're going to encounter, you should be able to break into and succeed in this growing field with confidence. Breaking Into and Succeeding as a Voice Over Actor contains most, if not all, the information needed to secure your first gig. It also prepares you to begin your own home studio, which allows you to take orders from all over the world. 

As a voice over actor, your typical gigs include: 

Audiobook readings
Video trainings
Audio trainings
Web-cast announcements
Web-cast trainings
Cartoon characters
Movie characters
Translated movie characters
Special effects
Video game characters

This eGuide provides insightful information, advices and tips for anyone who is contemplating to become a voice over actor. Numerous hard-to-find resources are included to help you locate pertinent information.

Do You Know?

U.S. Department of Labor Statistics:

  • The median earnings for Announcers in the year 2002 were between $7.13 and $15.10 per hour. Those announcers with more experience and education earned as much as $24.92 in 2002 in some markets.  

  • The Actors, Producers and Directors category had broader, less specific numbers. They implied that a voice over actor or producer who was working at union scale could earn in the range of $683 per day

  • Based on our forecast, in 2006, an entry-level voice over “announcer” can expect to earn anywhere from $15 to $20 per hour. In the second category, a voice actor who is a member of a union can expect to earn $600+ to $750+ per day.

Editor-in-Chief Jennie S. Bev, co-author Leslie Poston have talked to several professional voice actors, to provide you with the best and the most comprehensive self-study guidebook filled with insider information, tips and advice for breaking into and succeeding as a voice over actor. 

About the Authors

Jennie S. Bev is THE fashion, image and fun careers expert, whose reputation has been acknowledged by prestigious media internationally. She has been profiled and mentioned in Entrepreneur, Teen People, Canadian Business, Home Business, Dong (France), San Francisco Chronicle, The Independent, Daily Southtown, The Arizona Republic, Femina (Asia) and Dewi (Asia).

Editor-in-Chief Jennie S. Bev was named 2003 EPPIE Award finalist in Non-Fiction How To category for excellence in electronic publishing. She has published over 40 books and 900 articles in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany and Southeast Asia. She is also a college professor based in San Francisco Bay Area.

Co-author Leslie Poston is a freelance writer, author and poet. Her work has been featured in business publications such as The Corporate Growth Report, Dates and Dialogues, The CGR Yearly Financial Sourcebook, and The Profit Power Report. Her poetry and fiction has been published in a number of national anthologies and compilations,, The Comedy Magazine, and ‘Round Here.  

This 63-page instantly downloadable eGuide Breaking Into and Succeeding as a Voice Over Actor brings you valuable insider tips, advice and suggestions not available elsewhere to help you embark on this highly and competitive lucrative career path. 


The Myths, the Realities and the Basics
Challenging the Myths
What is Voice Over Acting?
Typical Hurdles and How to Fly Over Them
The Real World of Voice Over Acting

Getting Ready: the Big Picture
Earning Potentials
The Typical Background of a Voice Over Actor

Building Your Career
Career Options
Make Your Demo Tape or CD and Résumé POP
Honing Skills

Steps to Success
Tackling the Puzzle and That Demo CD
Working with a Talent Agent 
Starting Your Own Home Studio

Points to Remember

Success Profiles

Instructional and Educational Resources
Legal Resources
Agents, Casting Directors and Other “Go-To” Resources
Voice Over Acting Unions and Guilds

This eGuide literally saves you hundreds or even thousands of dollars spent on professional workshops and training and hundreds of hours of research. It will help you break into the career of your dream faster without having to repeat the same mistakes that most newcomers do.

We have also included numerous online and offline resources on the following:

  • Publications

  • Biographical Information

  • Self-taught Training Resources

  • Statistical Information

  • Employment Resources

  • Unions and Guilds

  • Software Resources

  • Legal Resources Online

  • Studio and Portable Equipment